BIM: People + Process - B1M University Class 2 | Summary and Q&A

January 15, 2015
The B1M
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BIM: People + Process - B1M University Class 2


An architect discusses the importance of UK BIM Level 2 in the construction industry and the potential impact of digital technology on the future of building design and management.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ’ BIM Level 2 promotes collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders in the construction industry.
  • πŸ’— The future of the industry may be shaped by younger generations who have grown up with technology and have a natural inclination towards digital tools.
  • πŸ”’ The implementation of BIM Level 2 requires a cultural shift in the industry and consideration of data security.
  • ♻️ The concept of a common data environment is crucial for the successful execution of BIM Level 2.
  • πŸ‘· The UK government's focus on BIM Level 2 and the incorporation of soft landings demonstrate their commitment to improving efficiency and sustainability in the construction industry.
  • πŸ–οΈ Classification systems such as UNIClass 2.0 and the BIM Toolkit play a role in organizing and labeling information in a structured manner.
  • πŸ›Ÿ The BIM Protocol serves as a contract addendum, clarifying roles, responsibilities, and data exchange requirements.


so here we are uh let's do some bim shall we so tonight i'm gonna do a bit of an introduction uh we're gonna i'm gonna do some introductory stuff just thinking around process and what it means we're going to think about what uk bim level 2 actually is and the key components of achieving it i'm going to leave you with some resources and uh add on a ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the purpose of BIM Level 2 in the construction industry?

BIM Level 2 aims to facilitate collaboration and information sharing among project stakeholders, leading to more efficient and effective building design and construction processes.

Q: How does BIM Level 2 differ from other levels of BIM?

BIM Level 2 focuses on the integration of multiple data sources and disciplines, creating a collaborative environment where stakeholders can share and maintain information throughout the life of a building.

Q: How does generational context impact the adoption of BIM in the construction industry?

The speaker highlights the potential impact of younger generations, such as Gen Z, who have grown up with technology and are likely to drive further changes in the industry. However, the importance of collaboration and teamwork among all generations is emphasized.

Q: Are there any challenges in implementing BIM Level 2 in the construction industry?

The speaker mentions the challenges of changing industry culture and behaviors to effectively embrace collaboration and teamwork. Additionally, issues of data security and cyber-attacks are identified as potential concerns that need to be addressed.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker introduces the topic of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and its significance in the construction industry.

  • The concept of BIM Level 2 is explained, highlighting its role in achieving collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders.

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering generational differences and the impact of technology on the future of the construction industry.

  • Key components of BIM Level 2, such as people, processes, and technology, are discussed.

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