Best SMMA Cold Email Template 2024 (This Got Me 350+ Clients) | Summary and Q&A

June 2, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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Best SMMA Cold Email Template 2024 (This Got Me 350+ Clients)


Learn practical tips for writing compelling cold email copy to improve your response rates and generate more leads.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 Understanding your prospect and writing what they want to read is critical for effective cold email copy.
  • 💪 A strong and tangible offer can outweigh the need for extensive copywriting skills.
  • 🍳 Breaking patterns and grabbing attention with creative and humorous elements can increase the chances of a response.
  • 💌 Keep the email concise, easy to scan, and focused on the benefits of your offer.
  • 🫥 The subject line should be personalized, curiosity-inducing, and avoid triggering spam filters.
  • 😷 Asking for the idea of a call rather than directly asking for a call can make it easier for the recipient to agree.
  • ❓ Avoid talking too much about yourself or your company; instead, highlight the value you can provide to the prospect.


it is here ladies and gentlemen how to write copy for cold email i've put off making this video for quite literally 14 months probably a little longer than that actually since the start of my youtube channel but it's time to explain how to write email copy the video that you probably are salivating at the mouth for you probably aren't actually sali... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is understanding your prospect important in cold email copywriting?

Understanding your prospect helps you tailor your message to their needs and preferences, increasing the chances of capturing their attention and generating a response. By writing what they want to read, you increase the effectiveness of your cold emails.

Q: How can I create a good offer for my cold email?

A good offer provides clear tangibility and risk reversal. You can present your offer as a specific result or outcome that your prospect can achieve within a given timeframe. Additionally, offering a risk reversal, such as a money-back guarantee, can help build trust and eliminate barriers to acceptance.

Q: What should be included in the subject line of a cold email?

The subject line should be personalized and create curiosity without triggering spam filters. Using the recipient's name and relevant keywords, such as "information for business owners," can capture their attention and encourage them to open the email.

Q: Should I talk about my company in the cold email body?

It's important to focus on the benefits of your offer rather than talking extensively about your company. Prospects are more interested in what you can do for them, so keep the email concise, engaging, and centered around how your offer can help them achieve their goals.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Understanding your prospect is crucial; focus on writing what they want to read, not what you want to write.

  • A good offer can outweigh the need for extensive copy; ensure your offer is strong and tangible.

  • Personalize subject lines to pique curiosity and avoid triggering spam filters.

  • Keep the body of your email concise and engaging, breaking patterns to grab the recipient's attention.

  • Use creativity and humor to stand out, but maintain a professional tone.

  • Avoid talking too much about yourself or your company; instead, highlight the benefits of your offer.

  • Keep the email short and easy to scan, ensuring it can be read and understood within seconds.

  • Close the email by asking for the idea of a call, making it easier for the recipient to agree.

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