Being Bold in Entrepreneurship | Mo Abudu | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

April 3, 2017
Talks at Google
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Being Bold in Entrepreneurship | Mo Abudu | Talks at Google


Mo Abudu, Nigeria's successful entrepreneur and founder of EbonyLife TV, shares her journey of boldness and determination in entrepreneurship, breaking stereotypes about Africa through her media projects.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Pursuing entrepreneurship requires taking calculated risks and being open to new opportunities.
  • ↩ī¸ Challenges can be turned into opportunities for growth and learning.
  • 😤 Building a strong team and sharing the vision with them is crucial for success.
  • đŸĨ… Believing in oneself and staying committed to the dream is essential in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.


[MUSIC PLAYING] JULIET EHIMUAN CHIAZOR: Welcome, everyone to Talks at Google. I am Juliet Ehimuan Chiazor, and I am the country manager for Google in Nigeria. We have a special guest today. And that is the extremely beautiful and special Mo Abudu. MO ABUDU: Thank you. [CHEERING AND APPLAUSE] JULIET EHIMUAN CHIAZOR: Today is a special international ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What motivated Mo Abudu to leave a stable job and start her own businesses?

Mo felt an unsettling feeling and a strong desire to pursue her own dreams. She believed that she had certain things to accomplish and felt compelled to take the leap into entrepreneurship.

Q: How did Mo Abudu handle the challenges of starting a talk show and a TV channel with no prior experience?

Mo embarked on training courses, studied successful talk show hosts like Oprah Winfrey, and sought advice from industry professionals. Through preparation, research, and constant learning, she honed her skills and overcame challenges.

Q: How did Mo Abudu find and attract talented individuals to join her team?

Mo emphasized the importance of having the right team and staying committed to the vision. She searched for dedicated and passionate individuals who shared her dream, even if they were more experienced or knowledgeable in certain areas. She believes in constantly learning from her team as well.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mo Abudu left a high-paying job to pursue her passion for entrepreneurship, facing uncertainty and taking calculated risks along the way.

  • She successfully started Vic Lawrence Associates, a HR consulting firm, and later launched the talk show "Moments with Mo," becoming Africa's first lady of chat shows.

  • Mo Abudu's vision expanded with the creation of EbonyLife TV, a global black entertainment and lifestyle network, challenging stereotypes about Africa and showcasing local talent.

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