July 9, 2018
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The content discusses the challenges and frustrations of being a mood reader and how it affects book choices and reading habits.

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Key Insights

  • 👂 Mood readers often struggle with commitment to reading lists and frequently rearrange and abandon books based on their changing moods.
  • 💩 A mood reader's TBR pile tends to grow quickly due to impulse purchases and the constant need for books that match their current mood.
  • 📔 Mood readers sometimes experience frustration and feelings of inadequacy as they struggle to finish books and keep up with book trends.
  • 📔 Judging books by their covers can lead to disappointment for mood readers, as the content may not match the perceived mood based on the cover art.
  • 🫠 Recommendations from friends can be challenging for mood readers, as they may struggle to find the right mood to read the recommended book.
  • 📔 Mood readers often fear starting new books, knowing that they may end up abandoning them for another book due to mood fluctuations.
  • ❓ The struggles of being a mood reader can cause frustration and a sense of being different from other readers who have more structured reading habits.


what-up reader fam today we're gonna be talking about something really serious something really terrible and emotional I've been facing recently it's not gonna be easy to talk about but it's something I really need to get off my shelf today I'm gonna be talking about what it's like to be a mood reader now I'm not talking about those people who just... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a mood reader?

A mood reader is someone whose state of mind influences the type of books they are drawn to and interested in reading at a given time. This can vary based on emotions like happiness, sadness, frustration, or excitement.

Q: How does being a mood reader affect reading choices?

Being a mood reader means that the excitement for certain books can disappear quickly, even after just a few days. This prompts mood readers to constantly rearrange reading lists, ditching and adding books based on their changing moods.

Q: Does being a mood reader impact the TBR (to-be-read) pile?

Yes, being a mood reader can cause the TBR pile to grow quickly. Mood readers often have stacks of unread books because their reading choices depend on their current mood, leading to impulse purchases and a larger collection of unread books.

Q: How does being a mood reader affect book recommendations from friends?

Being a mood reader can make it difficult to follow through with book recommendations from friends. Mood readers struggle with not knowing when they will be in the mood for a particular book, which can lead to avoiding discussions with friends about the recommended book.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Being a mood reader means the state of mind affects the type of books one gravitates towards, causing frustration and inconsistency in reading choices.

  • Mood readers often struggle with commitment to reading lists, constantly rearranging and ditching books based on their changing moods.

  • This reading style leads to having multiple books in progress, fear of not finishing them, and a constant cycle of starting and abandoning books.

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