Behind the Scenes of TEKOI | Summary and Q&A

August 11, 2020
CGP Grey
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Behind the Scenes of TEKOI


In this video, CGP Grey provides an in-depth exploration and explanation of the Decoy test range, an abandoned Cold War facility on the Skull Valley Indian Reservation in Utah.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🦼 Decoy was initially used for testing solid fuel motors for intercontinental ballistic missiles during the Cold War.
  • ❓ The facility was operated by Hercules Incorporated, a company known for manufacturing explosives.
  • 🎖️ The Decoy facility became a storage location as military contracts declined, and it eventually became abandoned.


okay yeah it is a bit late for coffee in the uk but upload days now with the additional with the addition of directors commentary days are uh very long days so i'm quite tired quite tired by the end of it but uh i feel like the the right way to do this is to do the director's commentary the same day of upload if i don't do the director's commentary... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How long did the Decoy project take to complete?

The project started over a year ago, and the first correspondence about it dates back to May of last year. It was a long and challenging process to gather information and film the exploration of the facility.

Q: Were there any classified documents or equipment at Decoy?

As far as CGP Grey could tell, there were no classified documents or equipment left at the facility. However, the project did encounter some classified aspects along the way.

Q: What led to the decline of Hercules Incorporated?

The decline of Hercules came as a result of changes in military contracts and a decrease in the need for nuclear warheads and missiles. This led to layoffs and the eventual sale of the company to Alliant Tech Systems.

Q: Are the bunkers used by Soviet inspectors still accessible?

The bunkers used by Soviet inspectors are now located in Wendover, Utah. They can be found outside the historical society in the town, and some photographs and evidence confirm their presence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Decoy test range was originally used to test solid fuel motors for intercontinental ballistic missiles during the Cold War.

  • Hercules Incorporated, a company known for manufacturing explosives, was involved in the production of the motors.

  • The facility later became a storage location and was eventually abandoned.

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