Barack Obama is Your New Bicycle | Mathew Honan | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 7, 2008
Talks at Google
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Barack Obama is Your New Bicycle | Mathew Honan | Talks at Google


The speaker discusses how the meme "Barack Obama is your new bicycle" went viral and shares insights on the nature of memes and their spread.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑 Memes are ideas that spread from person to person, often evolving and adapting along the way.
  • 😚 Memes can start within small, close-knit communities before spreading to the wider internet.
  • 🖐ïļ Influential individuals can play a significant role in spreading memes to a larger audience.
  • ðŸĪŠ Once a meme goes viral, it can inspire others to create variations and spin-offs, further amplifying its reach.
  • ❓ Memes can be both online and offline phenomena, impacting popular culture.
  • 🍗 Trying to control or manipulate a meme is often futile, as it is ultimately determined by the collective decisions and actions of others.
  • 😑 Memes can have different impacts, including entertainment, social commentary, and political expression.


good afternoon and welcome to authors at Google today we have Matt honen here with us he'll be talking about his new book Barack Obama is your new bicycle based off of his website he's a freelance writer and an active blogger as well as a contributing Editor to Wired Magazine his pieces have appeared in Mac world times Women Health Women's Health a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a meme and how does it spread?

A meme is an idea that spreads from person to person, often adapted, changed, or altered. It can spread within online communities or become popular in popular culture.

Q: How did the meme "Barack Obama is your new bicycle" start?

The meme started as a private joke between the speaker and his wife, as a playful way of teasing her obsession with Obama. It gained traction when the speaker shared it with his friend Andre, who found it funny and shared it further.

Q: How did the meme go viral?

Influential individuals like Anil Dash and Anna Marie Cox picked up on the meme and shared it on their platforms, reaching a wider audience. This led to more websites and variations being created, further spreading the meme.

Q: Can memes be controlled or forced?

No, memes are organic in nature and cannot be forced. They are often created and spread by individuals without any ulterior motive. The popularity and spread of a meme depend on the interest and participation of others.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker talks about the concept of memes and how they spread from person to person.

  • The meme "Barack Obama is your new bicycle" started as a private joke between the speaker and his wife.

  • The meme quickly gained popularity and many websites and variations were created, showcasing its viral nature.

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