Avast Internet Security Review | Ransomware Test | Summary and Q&A

July 19, 2018
The PC Security Channel
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Avast Internet Security Review | Ransomware Test


Avast Internet Security is tested for its ransomware protection and behavior shield features, with mixed results.

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Key Insights

  • 🏆 Avast Internet Security's ransomware protection and behavior shield features are tested.
  • 🕵️ Some ransomware threats are successfully detected and blocked, while others are able to encrypt files.
  • 🎮 The protection mechanism of Avast Internet Security seems to rely on controlling access to certain folders, which may cause issues with legitimate applications.
  • 🥶 Avast Internet Security does not offer significant additional protection compared to the free version.
  • 🐕‍🦺 Without reputation services, the effectiveness of Avast Internet Security against various threats is uncertain.
  • 🎮 The video suggests considering more well-engineered and robust security options instead of Avast Internet Security.
  • 👋 Avast Internet Security is part of the "good enough" category, but not recommended for those looking for comprehensive protection.


hello and welcome once again to the PC security Channel today we'll be doing what is essentially an unknown malware test with Avast Internet Security many of you have asked me for something like this in the past I've never really tested Avast Internet security always test the free version the pro version has ransomware protection and a behavior shi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Avast Internet Security perform in detecting ransomware?

Avast Internet Security successfully detects and blocks some ransomware threats, but others are able to encrypt files.

Q: What is the focus of the malware test in the video?

The focus of the malware test is to examine the mechanism of Avast Internet Security's ransomware protection and behavior shield features.

Q: Does Avast Internet Security offer any additional protection compared to the free version?

Avast Internet Security offers ransomware protection and a behavior shield, which are not available in the free version. However, the effectiveness of these features is questionable based on the test results.

Q: Why does the video suggest not upgrading to Avast Internet Security?

The video suggests not upgrading to Avast Internet Security as it does not provide significant benefits compared to the free version. The added features are not well-engineered or robust enough to justify the cost.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video tests Avast Internet Security's ransomware protection and behavior shield against various unknown malware samples.

  • Avast successfully detects and blocks some ransomware threats, while others are able to encrypt files.

  • The protection mechanism seems to rely on controlling access to certain folders, which may cause issues with legitimate applications.

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