Artistic Style Transfer For Videos | Two Minute Papers #68 | Summary and Q&A

May 22, 2016
Two Minute Papers
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Artistic Style Transfer For Videos | Two Minute Papers #68


This video explores a technique that successfully applies artistic style transfer to videos by preserving temporal coherence and incorporating optical flow.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 Applying style transfer to videos has inherent challenges due to the lack of temporal coherence.
  • 👻 Optical flow algorithms allow for inter-frame communication and maintain consistency in style transfer.
  • 🎮 Maintaining temporal coherence in video style transfer results in visually appealing and smooth videos.
  • 🎮 The technique demonstrated in the video successfully overcomes the challenges of applying artistic style transfer to videos.
  • 🎮 Video processing techniques and computer graphics play a crucial role in preserving temporal coherence in style transfer.
  • 💐 The combination of deep neural networks and optical flow enables the successful application of style transfer to videos.
  • 🥺 Further advancements in video style transfer techniques can lead to more realistic and seamless results.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. We have previously talked about a technique that used a deep neural network to transfer the artistic style of a painting to an arbitrary image, for instance, to a photograph. As always, if you're not familiar with some of these terms, we have discussed them in previous episo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Can artistic style transfer be applied to videos?

Yes, this video demonstrates a technique that successfully applies artistic style transfer to videos while preserving temporal coherence and ensuring smooth transitions.

Q: What is temporal coherence?

Temporal coherence refers to the consistency of a phenomenon over time. In this context, it means maintaining the same artistic style throughout a video without introducing flickering effects between frames.

Q: What is optical flow?

Optical flow algorithms describe the possible motions between consecutive frames in a video. In the context of artistic style transfer, optical flow helps maintain consistency and prevent drastic style changes in regions of the video.

Q: Why is preserving temporal coherence important for style transfer in videos?

Preserving temporal coherence ensures that the artistic style is applied consistently throughout the video, avoiding flickering effects and creating a visually pleasing result.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Style transfer has previously been applied successfully to still images but not to videos.

  • Applying artistic style transfer to videos without preserving temporal coherence leads to flickering effects.

  • Optical flow algorithms help maintain inter-frame communication and ensure smooth and consistent style transfer in videos.

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