January 3, 2023
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The content discusses the concept of anti-reading resolutions, focusing on letting go of specific reading goals, finishing book series, book buying bans, and embracing mood reading, while also addressing other reader habits and mindset shifts.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 Anti-resolutions focus on eliminating self-imposed pressure and expectations in favor of making reading more enjoyable and less stressful.
  • 🫠 Setting a specific number of books to read can create unnecessary stress and may not be necessary for everyone.
  • 🪘 It is okay to be a reader who enjoys starting book series but struggles to finish them, as long as it aligns with personal reading preferences.
  • 📔 Book buying bans are not necessary if one can buy books responsibly and enjoy them at their own pace.
  • 🥺 Accepting and embracing mood reading can lead to a more satisfying reading experience.
  • ⌛ Being mindful of phone usage and social media can result in more focused and intentional reading time.
  • 🛟 Reader guilt and comparison serve no purpose and should be avoided, as reading should be a personal and enjoyable experience.
  • 🫠 Judging books solely based on their size can hinder opportunities for discovering great reads.


thank you I need a new reading chair like stat this one's not cutting it anymore it's a new year and I need a new chair hi hello New Year same reader it's the year of staying the same and not evolving at all who needs change who needs growth who needs goals or am I saying all of this in an attempt at reverse psychology in hopes that I do grow a lot... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are anti-resolutions and how do they differ from traditional resolutions?

Anti-resolutions focus on identifying habits to stop doing rather than setting new goals. They aim to make life easier by eliminating self-imposed pressure and expectations.

Q: Why does the author no longer set a specific number of books to read?

The author finds that setting a specific reading goal can sometimes create unnecessary stress and pressure. Instead, they choose to prioritize reading regularly and being satisfied with the amount read.

Q: Why does the author struggle to finish book series?

The author acknowledges their tendency to lose interest or become distracted when reading book series, resulting in unfinished series. They accept this as their reading style and give themselves permission to take their time.

Q: How does the author approach book buying bans?

The author mentions not being strict on book buying bans and believes they are better at buying books responsibly. They may still place an occasional large book order, but they no longer feel the need for a ban.

Q: What is the author's attitude towards being a mood reader?

The author initially resented being a mood reader, but they are now working on embracing it. They prioritize choosing books based on their current mood rather than forcing themselves to stick to a TBR list.

Q: What is the author's perspective on social media and its impact on reading time?

The author acknowledges spending excessive time on social media and feeling like it takes away from reading time. They express a desire to be more conscious and intentional about phone usage, though they admit finding it challenging.

Q: How does the author want to change their attitude towards book size?

The author tends to hesitate when it comes to reading big books because they assume they will take a long time to finish. However, they want to be more open-minded and accept that big books can be enjoyable and not necessarily time-consuming.

Q: What does the author mean by actively trying to find their next favorite book?

The author has been on a quest to discover a book that will become their all-time favorite. However, they now realize the importance of letting this experience happen naturally and not putting pressure on themselves to constantly search for it.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content introduces the concept of anti-reading resolutions, which involves identifying habits that make reading harder and stopping those behaviors.

  • The author shares their personal anti-reading resolutions, including not setting specific reading goals, not focusing on finishing book series, not going on book buying bans, accepting being a mood reader, and not overcommitting to books.

  • The content also touches on stopping pessimistic reader attitudes, letting go of reader guilt and comparison, not overthinking book size, and not actively searching for that one favorite book.

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