Alternate Solution to Ratio Problem (HD Version) | Summary and Q&A

November 5, 2009
Khan Academy
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Alternate Solution to Ratio Problem (HD Version)


This video demonstrates how to solve a ratio problem using algebraic equations and provides an alternate method to finding the solution.

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Key Insights

  • 🥳 Ratio problems can be solved using different methods, such as verbal explanation or algebraic equations.
  • 😒 Assigning variables to unknown quantities in ratio problems allows for the use of algebraic equations to find the solution.
  • 🥳 The removal of fruit in ratio problems affects the ratio between the remaining types of fruit.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Solving for multiple unknowns in equations requires using appropriate manipulation techniques, such as multiplying one equation by a factor and adding or subtracting equations.


It's always good to see the same problem done more than one way, and it's especially true with these ratio problems because they, in general, can be done in many, many different ways, and different types of ways gel with different people. So I just did a video on this where I said that the ratio of apples to oranges starts off at 5 to 8. And we tak... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the original ratio of apples to oranges in the problem?

The original ratio is 5:8, meaning there were 5 apples for every 8 oranges.

Q: What happens to the ratio after 15 apples are taken away?

The ratio changes to 1:4, indicating that for every apple remaining, there are 4 oranges.

Q: How can the problem be solved algebraically?

By assigning variables (a for apples and o for oranges) and using algebraic equations, the problem can be solved by finding values that satisfy both equations simultaneously.

Q: What is the final answer and the number of fruit remaining?

Starting with 25 apples and 40 oranges, the removal of 15 apples results in a total of 10 apples and 40 oranges, totaling 50 pieces of fruit.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video addresses a ratio problem involving the removal of 15 apples, with the original ratio being 5:8, and the resulting ratio becoming 1:4.

  • The problem requires determining the total number of fruit remaining after the removal of the 15 apples.

  • Two methods, one involving verbal explanation and the other algebraic equations, are used to solve the problem, resulting in the same answer.

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