AlphaGo and Professional Go Players | Hajin Lee | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 10, 2016
Talks at Google
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AlphaGo and Professional Go Players | Hajin Lee | Talks at Google


The professional Go players dedicated their lives to develop their skills, and while AlphaGo has shown its superiority, pursuing a career as a professional player is still worth it due to the transferable skills and the value of mind sports.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿค• Becoming a professional Go player requires intense training from a young age.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฃ The AlphaGo match revealed a wider gap between human and AI capabilities in Go.
  • ๐Ÿ‘พ Balancing the ecosystem of Go is crucial to sustaining the game's development.


MALE SPEAKER: So, just by way of introduction, I want to say, I learned to play Go many years ago. When I learned to play Go, I had received a Go board as a Christmas present from my parents. I was I think 12 or 13. There were no Go players around me. I taught myself to play by reading books. I taught my friends to play. It was many years before I ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Will the development of AI in Go diminish the importance of professional players?

While AI like AlphaGo has shown remarkable skills, professional players bring the human element and inspire with their dedication and accomplishments. The professional level is still valuable.

Q: Are there any plans for future events like the AlphaGo match?

There are no specific plans at the moment, but collaboration with DeepMind and the exploration of new formats, such as international Go tournaments, could be exciting possibilities.

Q: Do professional players copy AlphaGo's moves or style?

Some professional players have been influenced by AlphaGo's approach, aiming for more reading-focused decision-making. However, AlphaGo's moves are sometimes considered unconventional by human standards.

Q: Did Lee Sedol take the loss graciously?

Lee Sedol showed remarkable composure and cheerfulness during the press conferences after the matches, demonstrating his professionalism and inspiring fellow players.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Professional Go players undergo rigorous training from a young age to reach the top level.

  • AlphaGo's victory against Lee Sedol surprised many, showing that there is still a higher level of Go to be explored.

  • Go tournaments and infrastructures rely on the elite players and the support of Go fans.

  • In the future, a balanced development incorporating technology and maintaining the ecosystem of Go is crucial.

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