Adware blocks Antivirus | SmartService Rootkit | Summary and Q&A

May 2, 2017
The PC Security Channel
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Adware blocks Antivirus | SmartService Rootkit


Adware can now embed itself like a rootkit, making it difficult to detect and remove, even blocking other security programs.

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Key Insights

  • 🕵️ Adware threats have evolved to embed themselves in systems like rootkits, making them difficult to detect and remove.
  • 👤 This particular adware threat often targets users in the US and is hidden within bundle installers.
  • 🔒 Windows Defender, despite being a popular security solution, does not block this adware threat.
  • 🫵 Analysis tools like TCP view and Registry Shot can help monitor adware connections and modifications.
  • 🕵️ Specialized anti-malware programs like Hitman Pro and Malwarebytes can detect and remove the adware.
  • 🧑‍🦽 The adware threat prevents other security programs from being started, making manual removal even more challenging.
  • 😍 Adware infections often occur when users are in a rush or distracted, as they may inadvertently install the adware during program installations.


it seems we've come to a point where adware blocks your ap program and not the other way around police found orb and bleeping computer have drawn my attention to a new silent installer which does more than sneak ads behind your back this threat actually embeds itself in your system like a rootkit does not allow you to modify its registry keys and e... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the adware installer work?

The adware installer is often hidden within bundle installers and executed as a background process during installation. It embeds itself in the system, making it difficult to detect or remove.

Q: Why doesn't Windows Defender block this adware threat?

Despite being a known and dangerous threat, Windows Defender does not currently block this specific adware installer. This highlights the limitations of relying solely on one security solution.

Q: How can users detect and remove this adware threat?

Users can use analysis tools like TCP view and Registry Shot to monitor connections and file/registry modifications. Additionally, specialized anti-malware programs like Hitman Pro and Malwarebytes may be able to remove the adware.

Q: How persistent is this adware threat?

The adware threat acts like a rootkit, making it difficult to terminate its processes or remove it from the system. Access is often denied, and manual removal is highly challenging.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A new adware threat has emerged that embeds itself in your system, making it nearly impossible to modify or remove.

  • This threat targets mostly users from the US, often hidden within bundle installers for other programs.

  • The adware creates new connections, modifies files and registry keys, and prevents security programs from being started.

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