Adam Grant | Why You Should Rethink A Lot More Than You Do | Summary and Q&A

June 1, 2021
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Adam Grant | Why You Should Rethink A Lot More Than You Do


To encourage meaningful change and growth, individuals should focus on thinking more like scientists—treating their views as hypotheses, running experiments, and being open to changing their minds.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Psychological safety, trust, and respect are crucial for fostering a culture of rethinking and open communication within organizations.
  • 🧍 Belonging to a unique group that provides a sense of optimal distinctiveness can fulfill the dual desires of fitting in and standing out.
  • 🫵 Cultivating a scientific mindset involves valuing truth over being right, embracing intellectual humility, and viewing one's views as theories subject to experimentation.
  • ⁉️ Successful persuasion involves finding common ground, asking genuine curiosity-driven questions (especially "how" questions), and creating a collaborative environment.
  • 😤 Fostering psychological safety requires leaders to criticize themselves openly, encouraging vulnerability, trust, and mutuality within the team.


as i read this paper it suddenly dawned on me that this is this is a perfect metaphor for me as an organizational psychologist because we spend an inordinate amount of time thinking and talking like professions we have never held right like occupations we were never trained in so think about how much time you spend in your life preaching right you'... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the author come to write about the importance of rethinking?

The author's interest in rethinking began when they observed individuals and organizations resisting evidence-based strategies and being closed off to new ways of thinking. This led the author to question why people are hesitant to rethink and inspired them to explore the topic further.

Q: Why do people struggle with the idea of rethinking themselves?

Rethinking oneself can make the world feel unpredictable and challenge one's identity and standing in the world. Many people take pride in their knowledge and fear that acknowledging potential flaws or areas for growth may diminish their status or expertise.

Q: How can individuals foster a scientific mindset and think more like scientists?

Individuals can start by acknowledging that their views are just theories and subjecting them to a rethinking cycle. They can adopt intellectual humility, value curiosity, and embrace a continuous learning mindset. By running small experiments and questioning their assumptions, they can develop a more flexible and open-minded approach.

Q: Why do people often prefer leaders who have a strong, unwavering stance on issues?

People are drawn to leaders who appear confident and have a clear vision because it provides a sense of coherence, purpose, and predictability. However, this preference can be dangerous as leaders may become entrenched in their beliefs and resistant to change, hindering progress and innovation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many professionals, like organizational psychologists, spend a significant amount of time thinking and talking like professions they have never held, such as preachers, prosecutors, and politicians.

  • The author emphasizes the need to shift from these modes of thinking and embrace a scientific mindset, which encourages flexibility, mental agility, and the willingness to change one's views.

  • By approaching one's views as theories, individuals can run small experiments in their lives to test their validity and be more open to changing their minds when necessary.

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