Accordion to Cory | Cory Pesaturo & Ljubinka Kulisic | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 19, 2017
Talks at Google
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Accordion to Cory | Cory Pesaturo & Ljubinka Kulisic | Talks at Google


Accordionist Cory Pesaturo shares his journey as an accordionist, his accomplishments, and his efforts to make the accordion cool again. He also discusses the history of the accordion and its different variations.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ–οΈ The accordion has a versatile history, with different variations and playing techniques used in different countries.
  • 😎 Cory Pesaturo has been instrumental in breaking stereotypes and making the accordion cool and relevant in contemporary music.
  • πŸ–οΈ The accordion is capable of playing various musical styles, from classical to jazz, and even modern genres like techno.
  • πŸͺ— Accordion competitions exist worldwide and showcase the skills of accordionists in different categories and genres.
  • πŸ˜‘ Improvisation is a crucial aspect of accordion playing and allows for personal expression and creativity.
  • πŸ‹οΈ The weight and physical design of accordions are areas that musicians like Pesaturo would like to see improved.


[MUSIC PLAYING] DIVYA PILLAI: Today I am proud to present accordionist Cory Pesaturo and even prouder to say that I know him personally. He's sort of a habitual pioneer as an American accordionists, the first graduate from The New England Conservatory of music in accordion, a four time world championship winner and hopefully world record holder in ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Cory Pesaturo break the Guinness World record in marathon accordion playing?

Cory Pesaturo trained mentally rather than physically for the record-breaking challenge. He did not undergo any specific training and relied on his mental strength to push through the hours of playing.

Q: What differentiates the piano accordion from other variations?

The piano accordion, popular in the United States, has a piano keyboard on the right side and buttons on the left. It allows for a wide range of sounds and chords, making it versatile for various musical genres.

Q: Are there different accordion variations used in different countries?

Yes, different countries have their preferred accordion variations. For example, the diatonic accordion is popular in Mexico and Ireland, while button accordions are used in Russia and France. Each variation is unique in terms of sound and playing technique.

Q: How does improvisation play a role in accordion playing?

Improvisation is an essential skill for accordionists, allowing them to add their personal touch to music. Cory Pesaturo has always been an improviser, allowing him to play a wide variety of genres and adapt to different musical styles.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Cory Pesaturo is a pioneering American accordionist and world champion who has revolutionized the perception of the accordion.

  • The accordion has a rich history, starting as a small portable organ and evolving into the piano accordion, which became popular in the United States in the early 20th century.

  • The popularity of the accordion fluctuated over the years, and it was largely considered uncool until recent efforts to reinvent the instrument.

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