A Parking Spot for Future Commercial Flights to the Space Station on This Week @NASA–August 23, 2019 | Summary and Q&A

August 23, 2019
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A Parking Spot for Future Commercial Flights to the Space Station on This Week @NASA–August 23, 2019


NASA astronauts conducted a spacewalk to install a docking adapter for future space missions, Vice President Pence chaired the National Space Council, and progress was made on NASA's Artemis program for moon and Mars missions.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🚀 NASA astronauts conducted a spacewalk to facilitate future commercial crew missions.
  • 👾 The National Space Council plays a crucial role in guiding national space policy.
  • 🥅 The Artemis program is focused on lunar and Martian exploration, with a goal of returning humans to the Moon by 2024.
  • 🚚 NASA is seeking industry proposals for cargo and supply delivery to the lunar Gateway.
  • 😚 Successful testing of the Attitude Control Motor brings Orion spacecraft closer to human spaceflight.
  • ✈️ Russian Soyuz spacecraft conducted a test flight to validate compatibility with a revamped booster rocket for future crew transport to the International Space Station.
  • 🚀 NASA is actively collaborating with Boeing and SpaceX to restore human launches from American soil.


A new parking spot for future flights to the International Space Station … The sixth meeting of the National Space Council … And work in Ohio on our Moon to Mars effort … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA! On Aug. 21, our Nick Hague and Andrew Morgan ventured outside the International Space Station for a six-and-a-half-hour... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the purpose of the spacewalk conducted by Nick Hague and Andrew Morgan?

The spacewalk aimed to install International Docking Adapter-3 to provide a second docking port at the space station for future arrivals of commercial crew spacecraft.

Q: What is the role of the National Space Council?

The National Space Council advises the President on national space policy and strategy while reviewing the nation's long-range goals for space activities.

Q: What is the Artemis program?

The Artemis program is NASA's initiative to return humans to the Moon by 2024 and establish sustainable lunar exploration by 2028, in preparation for future human missions to Mars.

Q: What was the purpose of the Attitude Control Motor test?

The Attitude Control Motor was tested to ensure Orion spacecraft's Launch Abort System can steer the crew to safety during launch emergencies, supporting human spaceflight.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Nick Hague and Andrew Morgan completed a spacewalk to install an International Docking Adapter-3, enabling future arrivals of commercial crew spacecraft.

  • Vice President Pence chaired the National Space Council's sixth public meeting, focusing on space policy and long-range goals.

  • Administrator Bridenstine visited Ohio to review progress on the Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024.

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