NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 Astronauts Headed to International Space Station | Summary and Q&A

April 23, 2021
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NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 Astronauts Headed to International Space Station


Crew 2 astronauts, including Commander Shane Kimbrough, depart for the International Space Station with the help of SpaceX suit technicians.

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Key Insights

  • 😤 The Crew 2 astronauts have a team of SpaceX suit technicians and the closeout team to assist them during their departure.
  • 😚 The crew members undergo the process of ingress, where they enter the Crew Dragon Endeavor and get buckled in before the hatch is closed.
  • 🛫 The departure is on schedule, signaling a successful start to the mission.
  • 🖐️ The Falcon 9 rocket, with its powerful Merlin engines, plays a crucial role in propelling the Crew Dragon towards the International Space Station.
  • 👨‍🚀 The Crew 2 mission includes astronauts with previous space travel experience, such as Toma Pesquet.
  • 👋 The astronauts wave goodbye to their loved ones before commencing their journey.
  • 🕴️ The crew members undergo extensive preparations, including the help of suit technicians, to ensure their safety and comfort during the mission.


we can see the astronauts are now working with spacex suit technicians and the closeout team and that look yeah that's our commander shane kimbrough there's megan macarthur getting helped into her gloves in her spacesuit and mission specialist toma pesque will be making his second trip to space but that's aki hoshide having a laugh with some of the... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Who are the crew members of the Crew 2 mission?

The crew members of the Crew 2 mission are Commander Shane Kimbrough, Megan MacArthur, Toma Pesquet, and Aki Hoshide.

Q: What is the role of SpaceX suit technicians in the departure process?

SpaceX suit technicians assist the astronauts in putting on their spacesuits, ensuring they are properly equipped for their journey to space.

Q: How do the crew members board the Crew Dragon Endeavor?

The crew members climb inside the Crew Dragon Endeavor through a process called ingress, where suit technicians help them get buckled in before the side hatch is closed.

Q: What provides the thrust for the first stage of the Crew Dragon's ascent?

The Falcon 9 rocket, with its nine Merlin engines, provides 1.7 million pounds of thrust for the first stage of the Crew Dragon's ascent.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Crew 2 astronauts, including Shane Kimbrough, Megan MacArthur, Toma Pesquet, and Aki Hoshide, prepare for their journey to the International Space Station.

  • They receive assistance from SpaceX suit technicians and the closeout team before boarding the Crew Dragon Endeavor.

  • The astronauts wave goodbye before departing on schedule and begin their ascent to the space station with the help of Falcon 9.

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