A Just and Rights-Based Framework for Nature | Summary and Q&A

May 11, 2021
Gresham College
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A Just and Rights-Based Framework for Nature


There has been a significant increase in court cases related to climate justice and traditional land rights, challenging the legal frameworks in place. The concept of earth jurisprudence and Chthonic law, based on the principles of community, consensus, and respect for nature, offers an alternative perspective to the current legal system.

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Key Insights

  • 🗯️ The number of courtroom cases related to climate justice and traditional land rights has significantly increased in recent years.
  • 🗯️ Climate justice cases cover various issues, including climate rights, domestic enforcement, corporate liability, and climate disclosures.
  • 🥳 Plaintiffs in these cases include NGOs, political parties, senior citizens, migrants, and indigenous peoples.
  • ⚾ The Chthonic Legal Tradition offers an alternative perspective to the current legal system, emphasizing the interconnectedness of humans and nature and consensus-based decision-making.
  • 🗯️ Courts' approach to climate justice cases varies, with some recognizing the rights of nature and human rights implications, while others dismiss cases based on legal barriers.
  • 🪡 There is a need for more proactive action by governments and corporations to address violations of climate change and protect the environment.


  • Good evening, and welcome again to the final part of my series, talking about connected nature, and in this particular case, looking at the Just and Right Based Frameworks For Nature. Tonight, I'm going to do something slightly different, which is, I'm going to talk to you about the legal underpinnings and where we, perhaps have been, using the v... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some key legal issues brought to court in climate justice cases?

Climate justice cases cover a wide range of issues, including climate rights, domestic enforcement, corporate liability, failure to adapt, impacts of adaptation, and climate disclosures.

Q: Who are the plaintiffs in these climate justice cases?

Plaintiffs in these cases include non-governmental organizations, political parties, senior citizens, migrants, and indigenous peoples.

Q: How are courts addressing climate justice issues in different countries?

Courts vary in their approach to climate justice issues, with some recognizing the rights of nature and human rights implications, while others dismiss cases based on standing or other legal barriers.

Q: What is the Chthonic Legal Tradition and its relevance to legal frameworks for nature?

The Chthonic Legal Tradition emphasizes oral traditions, collective knowledge, and consensus-based decision-making. It recognizes the interconnectedness of humans and nature and offers an alternative perspective to the current legal system.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The number of courtroom cases related to climate justice and traditional land rights has significantly increased in the past five years.

  • Cases cover various issues such as climate rights, domestic enforcement, corporate liability, and climate disclosures.

  • The plaintiffs in these cases include NGOs, political parties, senior citizens, migrants, and indigenous peoples.

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