A conversation with Bill Gates and Tara Westover | Summary and Q&A

December 3, 2018
Bill Gates
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A conversation with Bill Gates and Tara Westover


Tara shares her journey from a lack of formal education to becoming a successful author, highlighting the division between the highly educated and those with different values, emphasizing the importance of storytelling as a means of bridging this gap.

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Key Insights

  • The desire to learn and pursue a passion can motivate someone to overcome educational barriers, such as lacking formal schooling, and achieve academic success.
  • Education can open doors to new opportunities and lead to unexpected paths, as seen in the author's journey from learning algebra to attending universities like Brigham Young and Cambridge.
  • There is a contrast between rural and urban environments in terms of educational attainment, with some individuals pursuing higher education while others maintain traditional values.
  • A concerning problem lies in the increasing division along educational lines, where those with degrees and those without have differing perspectives and even hostility towards each other.
  • The division goes beyond disagreement and infringes on seeing the opposing side as less human, which is deeply unsettling.
  • Education, though considered a universal right, can be unevenly distributed, with certain groups having more access to quality education compared to others.
  • The self-segregation and homogeneity within schools can perpetuate division rather than fostering connections and equality.
  • The highly educated and rest of the country seem to hold different thoughts and fail to effectively communicate, leading to a divided nation.
  • The solution lies in understanding and empathy through storytelling and promoting better understanding between diverse regions like Idaho, Ohio, Alabama, and New York.
  • By creating more channels for understanding and communication, there is hope for bridging the gap and addressing the central problem in democracy of feeling disconnected from one another.
  • The book has resonated with a wide audience, surprising the author herself, highlighting the power of stories to connect people and foster understanding.


Well, Tara, I loved your book. It’s an amazing story. And even though you'd had almost no formal schooling, you managed to get into BYU. You have to learn algebra. How did that come together? I had no idea what education was. I had never set foot in a classroom before. But I really loved to sing, and I became obsessed with this idea of going to col... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Tara's desire to learn singing lead her to pursue education?

Tara was passionate about singing and believed that going to college would teach her how to sing. To achieve her goal, she realized that learning algebra was a necessary step, which ultimately led her to Brigham Young University and Cambridge.

Q: Why does Tara see the division between the highly educated and others as a problem?

Tara recognizes that the division is problematic because it is increasingly based on educational lines, causing people with degrees to have opposing beliefs from those without. This division leads to hostility and dehumanization of the other side, which is deeply disturbing to her.

Q: How does Tara view education in terms of its potential for connection and equalization?

Tara sees education as a process of self-discovery and the development of personal beliefs. However, she is concerned that self-segregation and homogeneity in schools create division rather than fostering connection and equality.

Q: What is the central problem in our democracy according to Tara?

Tara believes that the central problem in our democracy is the growing feeling that the two sides, the highly educated and others, no longer consider themselves part of the same country. The lack of understanding and communication between these two Americas is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed.

Q: How does Tara believe that storytelling can help bridge the gap between different ways of life?

Tara believes that storytelling can create understanding and empathy between different parts of the country. By sharing stories from places like Idaho, Ohio, and Alabama, people in New York and other urban areas can gain insight into the lives and perspectives of those in rural areas, promoting communication and connection.

Q: Why does Tara think education is not truly a universal right?

While education is commonly believed to be a universal right, Tara argues that it is not practiced as such. Certain individuals have access to extensive education, while others have limited opportunities. This inequality in education access undermines the notion of education as a universal right.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tara had no formal education but desired to go to college to pursue her passion for singing, leading her to learn algebra and eventually gain admission to Brigham Young University and Cambridge.

  • The division between the highly educated and others is a problem, with increasing hostility and lack of recognition between the groups.

  • Education, which should be a universal right, has become a tool of division instead of connection, with schools reflecting homogeneity and exacerbating the polarization.

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