8 Warren Buffett's INSANE FRUGAL LIVING Habits YOU Must DO NOW | Summary and Q&A

October 23, 2022
Investor Weekly
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8 Warren Buffett's INSANE FRUGAL LIVING Habits YOU Must DO NOW


Learn eight frugal living habits from Warren Buffett that can help you build wealth from nothing.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Making savings automatic helps develop a frugal living habit that can lead to long-term wealth building.
  • 🤑 Buying items only when they are marked down allows for significant savings and value for money.
  • 💾 Prioritizing saving over spending and adjusting your budget can help save money more efficiently.
  • 🫒 Adapting your purchases based on financial situations is crucial for frugal living success.
  • 💄 Reading can provide valuable knowledge and insights for making better frugal living choices.
  • 😷 Taking care of your health can help reduce medical expenses and focus on building wealth.
  • 💳 Avoiding credit card use and relying on cash promotes frugal living and prevents debt.


many people know Warren Buffett as one of the richest people in the world but many people don't know that he didn't start with much we've dug into his story and compiled the top eight Warren Buffett's insane frugal living habits you must do now so you can build up wealth from nothing just as Warren Buffett did number one make savings automatic acco... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is automatic savings considered a crucial frugal living habit?

Warren Buffett believes that saving money should be a regular and ingrained habit in order to build wealth successfully. Automating savings allows for consistency and eliminates the need to remember or develop the habit manually.

Q: How does Warren Buffett approach buying items?

Warren Buffett follows a frugal approach by purchasing items only when they are marked down. This ensures he gets quality merchandise at a lower price, thus maximizing savings.

Q: How does Warren Buffett prioritize saving over expenses?

Warren Buffett advises to not save what is left after spending, but to spend what is left after saving. By orienting your budget around saving money first, you can find more efficient ways to save and work towards building wealth.

Q: Why is it important to have an adaptable budget?

Warren Buffett suggests adjusting your budget based on your financial situation. Life does not always go as planned, so having an adaptable budget allows you to make necessary changes and ensure you are living within your means.

Q: How does reading contribute to frugal living habits?

Warren Buffett credits his success to reading 500 pages a day. While that amount may be excessive, reading helps you learn new things and make better frugal living choices. Personal finance books, for example, can offer valuable insights on saving money.

Q: How does taking care of your health contribute to frugal living?

Warren Buffett emphasizes the importance of maintaining good health. By prioritizing things like sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet, you can reduce the risk of expensive medical bills and focus on building wealth through frugal living habits.

Q: Why does Warren Buffett prefer cash over credit cards?

Warren Buffett uses cash about 98% of the time because it helps him live below his means and avoid debt. Using cash ensures that you only spend what you have and helps practice frugal living.

Q: How can reducing the food bill contribute to frugal living?

Warren Buffett supports the idea of avoiding takeout and opting for homemade meals or reducing the frequency of eating out. This helps save money and prevents overspending on food, thus aligning with frugal living principles.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Warren Buffett emphasizes the importance of automatic savings and making it a habitual behavior in one's life.

  • He advises buying items only when they are marked down, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

  • Saving should be a priority, and budgeting should revolve around saving rather than expenses. Additionally, adapt your purchases based on your financial situation.

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