Here's How You MAKE MONEY of 2023 Recession - Warren Buffett's 58 Years Old Method 👍 | Summary and Q&A

May 7, 2023
Investor Weekly
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Here's How You MAKE MONEY of 2023 Recession - Warren Buffett's 58 Years Old Method 👍


Warren Buffett has successfully invested during downturns by finding businesses with competitive edges, holding on to them for the long term, and not panicking during market volatility.

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Key Insights

  • 🥹 Warren Buffett's investment strategy focuses on finding businesses with competitive edges and holding on to them for the long term.
  • 💪 Moats, such as strong brands, are valuable assets that can be difficult for competitors to replicate.
  • 👻 Investors need to be patient and not panic during economic downturns, allowing their investments to compound over time.
  • 🤔 Short-term thinking can negatively impact investment returns, while long-term thinking provides an advantage.
  • 🥹 The S&P 500 index, which holds strong businesses for years, has outperformed the majority of active fund managers.
  • 👻 Patience and a long time horizon are essential for value investors, as it allows them to identify and invest in high-quality businesses.
  • 🍉 Avoiding short-term mindset and focusing on the long-term prospects of companies can lead to substantial returns.


business running Berkshire for 58 years and I've never applied an economic forecast of any use to the company and all you have to do is keep running every business as well as we can and we got to keep plenty of cash on hand so that people can keep making intelligence decisions rather than those forced upon them and that's all we know how to do and ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Warren Buffett's approach to economic forecasting?

Buffett does not rely on economic forecasts and believes in running businesses well and keeping plenty of cash on hand to make intelligent decisions.

Q: How does Warren Buffett invest during economic downturns?

Buffett looks for investment opportunities during economic downturns and has successfully invested in businesses like Coca-Cola and Apple during previous recessions.

Q: What is a moat in investing?

A moat refers to a characteristic that sets a company apart from its competitors and makes it difficult for them to replicate its success, such as a strong brand name.

Q: Why is patience important in value investing?

Value investors, like Buffett, need to have a long time horizon and be patient in waiting for the market to recognize the value of their investments. This approach allows for long-term growth and profitability.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Warren Buffett has a track record of investing during economic downturns, including the 2020 COVID crash, 2008 Bubble Burst, and 2001 market decline.

  • His first rule is to find companies with a competitive edge, such as a strong brand or unique offering, that sets them apart from their competitors.

  • Holding on to investments for the long term is key, as moats can weaken over time and require patience for growth and profitability.

  • Avoiding panic selling and staying committed to sound investments is crucial for success during economic downturns.

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