8 Animal Misconceptions Rundown | Summary and Q&A

February 13, 2012
CGP Grey
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8 Animal Misconceptions Rundown


This content debunks common misconceptions about various animals, including lemmings, daddy longlegs, ostriches, baby birds, goldfish memory, dog vision, bats, and boiling frogs.

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Key Insights

  • ๐ŸŽฎ Lemmings are real animals, not suicidal creatures, despite popular belief influenced by a video game.
  • ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ Daddy longlegs are not spiders, and they do not produce venomous bites.
  • ๐Ÿค• Ostriches are large, aggressive birds and do not bury their heads in the sand.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ถ Mother birds will not abandon their babies if touched by humans, and it's safe to place them back in the nest.
  • ๐Ÿš‚ Goldfish have longer memories than commonly believed and can be trained.
  • ๐Ÿคต Dogs can see colors but have a limited color spectrum compared to humans.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Bats have eyes and are not blind. They use echolocation to navigate in the dark.


  1. Lets talk about Lemmings When you hear the word โ€œlemmingsโ€ you might think of two things: This video game and some sort of small creature that suicidally leap off cliffs when its population grows too large. In case you didnโ€™t know lemmings are real and adorable and not suicidal. The origin of this myth is a bit unclear but the video game lemming... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are people convinced that lemmings are suicidal?

The video game "Lemmings" may have contributed to this misconception by portraying lemmings as intentionally jumping off cliffs. However, real lemmings do not exhibit this behavior.

Q: Are daddy longlegs spiders?

No, daddy longlegs are not spiders. They belong to a group called harvestmen and do not have venomous bites.

Q: Do ostriches actually bury their heads in the sand?

No, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. This is a myth. They are large, aggressive birds capable of running at high speeds.

Q: Is it true that a mother bird will abandon its baby if touched by a human?

No, a mother bird will not abandon its baby if touched by a human. It is safe to place the baby back in its nest if easily reachable.

Q: Do goldfish have short memories?

No, goldfish have memories that can last for months. They can be trained and remember what they have learned.

Q: Can dogs see colors?

Yes, dogs can see colors, but they have a more limited color spectrum compared to humans. They primarily see blues but struggle to distinguish other colors.

Q: Are bats blind?

No, bats are not blind. They have eyes and are able to see. Additionally, they use echolocation, a unique sense, to navigate in complete darkness.

Q: Can frogs really be boiled to death slowly?

The notion that frogs can be boiled to death slowly is true but has some caveats. In the original experiment, the frogs' brains were removed, rendering them unable to react. Intact frogs would jump out of the pot in response to increasing heat.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Lemmings are often associated with suicidal tendencies, but this is a myth perpetuated by the video game. Lemmings are real and not suicidal.

  • Daddy longlegs are falsely believed to be the most poisonous spider, but they aren't spiders and don't produce venom.

  • Ostriches are not cowardly creatures that bury their heads in the sand. They are aggressive and can run at high speeds.

  • Mother birds won't abandon their babies if touched by humans, and it's safe to place baby birds back in their nests.

  • Goldfish have memories longer than a few seconds and can be trained to remember things for months.

  • Dogs can see colors, but they see a limited spectrum compared to humans. They can't distinguish between certain colors.

  • Bats are not blind; they have eyes and use echolocation to navigate in the dark.

  • Boiling frogs slowly does not result in their passive acceptance. The original experiment involved removed frog brains.

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