5 New Agencies With $10,000 Per Month Potential | Summary and Q&A

April 10, 2023
Charlie Morgan
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5 New Agencies With $10,000 Per Month Potential


Discover five unique agency ideas that go beyond traditional marketing, allowing you to create your own market and stand out from the competition.

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Key Insights

  • 🧍 Finding a niche in the market and offering unique services is a powerful strategy to stand out from the competition.
  • 🤗 Solving specific problems that businesses face, beyond just customer acquisition, opens up opportunities for profitable agencies.
  • 🤔 Thinking creatively and outside the box allows for the discovery of innovative agency ideas that cater to unmet needs.
  • 😌 Value creation lies in alleviating pain for businesses, and this can be achieved by addressing a wide range of challenges.
  • 🤑 There are more ways to make money and build successful agencies than traditional marketing or short-form content agencies.
  • 🐵 The key is to identify the overlap between your skills and interests and the problems faced by your potential clients.
  • 💄 Being the only provider in a niche market gives you a competitive advantage and makes client acquisition easier.


in today's video I'm going to share five agencies you can start that are not marketing agencies or short form content agencies Suns use the Art of War fight the enemy on territory that they are unfamiliar with if you want to win the single best strategy is to find a niche a service or be in a place where nobody else operates where you have full con... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does finding a niche in the market help in winning over clients?

Finding a niche allows you to have full control and monopoly over the market, giving you the advantage of being the only solution provider in that specific area. This eliminates competition and makes it easier to gain clients.

Q: Are there other ways to add value and make money in business besides helping businesses get customers?

Yes, there are numerous other problems that businesses face, such as finding qualified staff, outsourcing tasks they dislike, expanding to new locations, or providing specific services. By addressing these pain points, you can create value and monetize your services.

Q: How important is it to think outside the box when starting an agency?

Thinking outside the box is crucial when starting an agency. It allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition and tap into untapped markets. By offering unique and tailored services, you can attract clients who are looking for innovative solutions.

Q: Is it necessary to have experience in a specific field before starting an agency in that niche?

While experience in a specific field can be helpful, it is not always necessary. You can learn the skills and knowledge required to deliver the services by immersing yourself in that industry and continuously learning. What matters most is your ability to provide value and solve problems for your clients.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video shares five agency ideas that deviate from marketing or short-form content agencies, encouraging viewers to think creatively and find niche markets.

  • The key is to find the intersection between your skills and interests, and the problems faced by your potential clients.

  • By offering solutions to specific problems or providing desired outcomes, you can create value and gain a competitive advantage.

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