🔑 5 Credit Score Hacks to Boost Your FICO 100 Points | Summary and Q&A

January 30, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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🔑 5 Credit Score Hacks to Boost Your FICO 100 Points


Learn five effective strategies to increase your credit score, including disputing bad marks, asking creditors to increase your limit, consolidating debt, negotiating to remove negative remarks, and strategically managing loan applications.

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Key Insights

  • 😘 A low credit score can impact various aspects of life, including loan eligibility, insurance premiums, and job prospects.
  • 💳 Disputing bad marks on your credit report can result in their removal, boosting your credit score.
  • 💳 Increasing credit limits can improve your credit utilization ratio, leading to a positive perception by lenders.
  • 💞 Consolidating debts into one payment not only simplifies payment management but also changes revolving debt to non-revolving debt.
  • 💳 By negotiating with creditors, it is possible to have negative remarks removed from your credit report.


are you tired of getting turned down by banks for the money you need want to get the financial respect you deserve it's all in your credit score that little three-digit number that determines how much money you get and how much you pay each month your credit score is more than just getting a loan it affects your car insurance premiums and can even ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I get bad marks taken off my credit report?

You can request to dispute legitimate bad remarks on your credit report by writing a letter to each credit bureau. They are legally obligated to follow up with the creditor or remove the remark if there is no response.

Q: How does increasing credit limits help boost credit scores?

By asking creditors to increase your credit limit, you improve your credit utilization ratio, which shows how much credit you have available versus how much you owe. Lenders perceive a lower utilization ratio as a sign of responsible credit usage.

Q: What are the benefits of consolidating debt?

Consolidating multiple debts into one payment not only simplifies bill management but also allows for a lower interest rate. Additionally, it changes revolving credit card debt into non-revolving debt, which positively impacts credit scores.

Q: How can I negotiate to remove bad remarks from my credit report?

Contact the creditors responsible for the negative remarks and offer to pay off the debt within a few months in exchange for the removal of the bad remark. Get the agreement in writing and ensure both parties follow through with their commitments.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares personal experiences of overcoming financial challenges and increasing their credit score by over 100 points.

  • A higher credit score is crucial for accessing loans, affordable interest rates, and favorable insurance premiums.

  • Five credit score hacks are discussed: disputing bad marks, increasing credit limits, consolidating debt, negotiating to remove negative remarks, and managing loan applications strategically.

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