5 Best Real Estate Stocks to Buy for 2022 | Property Profits | Summary and Q&A

November 22, 2021
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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5 Best Real Estate Stocks to Buy for 2022 | Property Profits


Real estate stocks are performing well in 2021, but the returns vary across different property types. Understanding market forces like inflation, labor shortages, and consumer spending is crucial for predicting returns in 2022.

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Key Insights

  • 🎭 Real estate stocks have performed well in 2021, but returns vary across property types.
  • 🔬 Understanding market forces like inflation, labor shortages, and consumer spending is crucial for predicting real estate returns in 2022.
  • 👾 Property types like healthcare, senior housing, residential, and office space are expected to benefit in 2022, while the self-storage sector may decline.
  • 🔬 Investing in real estate requires diversification and careful consideration of property types.
  • 💨 Fundrise offers an easy way to invest in a managed portfolio of real estate with low annual expenses.
  • 🥳 Price-to-FFO ratio is an important measure for evaluating real estate stocks.
  • 🏥 The healthcare sector, particularly hospitals, is expected to reverse its lagging performance in 2022.
  • 🤕 Senior housing, especially due to the aging baby boomer population, presents a long-term demand opportunity.
  • 👪 Residential real estate is poised for another strong year as rents catch up with home price increases.
  • 🧑‍💼 Office space may surprise with higher returns due to companies' desire to have employees back in the office.


real estate stocks are the third best performing sector this year with a 33 return through october only energy stocks and financials have beaten reits for that higher return but that overall return hides some big differences in property types the national association of reits tracks 154 real estate investment trusts across 12 major property types a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does inflation affect real estate returns?

Inflation drives up property prices, offering protection for investors against inflation. It also influences rent prices, with property types having shorter lease agreements being able to increase rents faster along with inflation.

Q: How will labor shortages impact real estate?

Labor shortages can drive higher wages, especially for retail and certain residential property types. More competition for workers will result in wage increases, benefiting retailers and manufactured homeowners.

Q: What is the potential impact of consumer spending on real estate stocks?

Consumer spending is expected to surge in 2022, benefiting retailers, shopping malls, and the hotel segment of the property market. The release of pent-up savings from stimulus checks could drive this wave of spending.

Q: Which real estate stocks are recommended for outsized returns in 2022?

Some recommended real estate stocks for 2022 include Medical Properties Trust (MPW) in the healthcare sector, CareTrust REIT (CTRE) in senior housing and acute care, Apartment Income REIT (AIRC) in residential, UMH Properties (UMH) in manufactured homes, and Boston Properties (BXP) in office space.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Real estate stocks have seen a 33% return in 2021, with variations in returns across different property types.

  • Inflation, labor shortages, and consumer spending are the key market forces that will drive real estate returns in 2022.

  • Property types like healthcare, senior housing, residential, and office space are expected to perform well, while self-storage may experience a decline.

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