3D Printing Auxetic Materials | Two Minute Papers #96 | Summary and Q&A

September 30, 2016
Two Minute Papers
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3D Printing Auxetic Materials | Two Minute Papers #96


Researchers have developed a method for creating auxetic materials that can approximate complex shapes by removing parts of their surface, allowing for a wider range of applications and reconfigurable designs.

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Key Insights

  • 🏑 Auxetic materials are highly valuable for energy absorption and fracture resistance in fields such as body armor design and footwear.
  • 🎨 Previous auxetic designs were limited in their ability to approximate complex shapes.
  • 😒 The new method uses conformal mapping and optimization to create auxetic materials that can approximate various shapes with more flexibility.
  • 👻 The approach allows for the reconfigurability of materials, enabling the creation of multiple different shapes from a single piece.
  • ❓ The method supports various materials like copper, aluminum, plastic, and leather.
  • 🤗 The research opens up possibilities for designing microscopic materials as well as better footwear and leather garments.
  • 💦 The work involves topological calculations, a subfield of mathematics, to achieve desired results.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. We are back! And in this episode, we shall talk about auxetic materials. Auxetic materials are materials that when stretched, thicken perpendicular to the direction we're stretching them. In other words, instead of thinning, they get fatter when stretched. Really boggles the... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are auxetic materials and why are they useful?

Auxetic materials are substances that get thicker, rather than thinner, when stretched. They are beneficial for applications requiring energy absorption and resistance to fractures, such as body armor.

Q: What are some current applications of auxetic materials?

Auxetic patterns are used in body armor design, footwear, actuated electronic materials, and even in tendons within our bodies. These materials are known for their energy absorption and fracture resistance capabilities.

Q: How have previous auxetic designs been limited?

Previous auxetic designs were restricted to specific shapes, making them less flexible for various applications. They could not accurately approximate more complex shapes like spheres.

Q: How does the new method solve the limitations of previous auxetic designs?

The new method uses conformal mapping and optimization techniques to remove parts of a material's surface, allowing it to approximate shapes that were previously difficult to achieve. This offers a wider range of applications and designs.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Auxetic materials thicken when stretched perpendicular to the direction of stretching, making them ideal for energy absorption and fracture resistance in body armor and other applications.

  • Previous auxetic designs were limited to specific shapes, but this new method allows for more intricate and complex designs.

  • By using optimization techniques and conformal mapping, researchers have achieved impressive results in creating auxetic materials that approximate target shapes and maintain rigidity.

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