3 Simple Rules on How to Buy Stocks | Investing for Beginners | Summary and Q&A

December 17, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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3 Simple Rules on How to Buy Stocks | Investing for Beginners


This video provides beginners with a foundation for investing in stocks, including how to pick stocks and when to sell.

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Key Insights

  • 😫 Establishing a solid financial foundation, including setting clear goals and having insurance and an emergency fund, is crucial before investing in stocks.
  • 🤗 There are two types of investors: those who enjoy picking stocks and those who prefer a more hands-off approach. Both can lead to successful investing.
  • 👻 Online platforms and robo-advisors offer different options for stock investing, allowing individuals to choose the level of control and engagement they desire.
  • 💯 The core-satellite strategy, which involves investing in both broad funds and individual stocks, can help limit risk while still aiming for higher returns.
  • 🤩 Comparison of stocks within a sector involves analyzing key fundamentals and looking for companies with a competitive advantage and growth potential.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Selling a stock should be based on factors such as company performance, management stability, and fundamental changes, rather than just stock price fluctuations.
  • 😌 The investment industry is driven by profits and self-interest, making it important for investors to be aware of the lies and myths perpetuated by Wall Street.


Three simple rules how to buy stocks for beginners. By the end of this video, you’ll have the foundation to start investing, how to pick stocks and how to know when to sell . In fact, I’m revealing my favorite strategy that will limit your risk and boost portfolio returns. We’re talking stock investing today on Let’s Talk Money. Beat debt. Make Mon... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How important is it to establish a solid financial foundation before investing in stocks?

Establishing a solid financial foundation is crucial before investing in stocks because it helps set clear goals, prepares for emergencies, and ensures that high-interest debt is managed effectively. Without a strong foundation, investing in stocks can lead to financial setbacks.

Q: What are the advantages of using robo-advisors for investing?

Robo-advisors provide a hands-off approach to investing, using smart technology to create automated investing plans based on an individual's financial goals and investor profile. They offer diversification, low commissions, and the convenience of automatic rebalancing.

Q: How can individuals compare stocks within a sector?

Individuals can compare stocks within a sector by analyzing key fundamentals such as revenue and earnings growth, cash flow from operations, and operating margins. Additionally, researching analyst reports and news about different companies can provide insights into a company's competitive advantage and potential catalysts for growth.

Q: When should someone consider selling a stock?

Two potential warning signs for selling a stock include a company relying heavily on debt and acquisitions for growth, as well as significant management departures, particularly the CEO or CFO. It is important to base selling decisions on company performance and management stability rather than just stock price fluctuations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video begins by emphasizing the importance of establishing a solid financial foundation before investing in stocks, including setting clear financial goals and having insurance and an emergency fund.

  • The video then explores the two types of investors: those who enjoy controlling their financial future and want to pick stocks, and those who prefer a more hands-off approach. It discusses different online platforms for buying stocks and robo-advisors for automated investing.

  • The video concludes by sharing the core-satellite strategy, which involves investing a majority of funds in broad funds while using a smaller portion for picking individual stocks.

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