3 Reasons Why You're Losing Subscribers On YouTube | Summary and Q&A

May 24, 2017
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
3 Reasons Why You're Losing Subscribers On YouTube


You may lose subscribers due to YouTube purges, not meeting subscriber expectations, inconsistency in uploading content, and making changes to your format.

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Key Insights

  • 🐕‍🦺 YouTube purges delete dormant, spam, and subscriber service accounts, potentially impacting subscriber numbers.
  • 🥺 Creating content that doesn't align with viewer expectations can lead to alienation and a negative effect on channel growth.
  • 🌸 Inconsistency in uploading, such as changing schedules or long periods without content, can result in subscriber loss.
  • 🫵 Making significant changes to format, style, or presentation may cause viewers to unsubscribe.
  • ❓ Subscriber retention is crucial for maintaining channel growth and engagement.
  • 🚚 Understanding subscriber preferences and consistently delivering content they enjoy is vital.
  • 👶 Striking a balance between experimenting with new content and meeting subscriber expectations is crucial.


  • I'm gonna give you three reasons why you might be losing subscribers and we're starting right now. (hip hop music) What is going on? My name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you wanna learn how to grow your channel and make videos, and all types of other YouTube related stuff, start now by hitting the subscri... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are YouTube purges and how do they affect subscriber numbers?

YouTube purges involve the deletion of dormant accounts, spam accounts, and accounts used for subscriber services. Subscribers may unsubscribe during these purges, leading to a drop in numbers.

Q: How can not meeting subscriber expectations affect a channel?

When content doesn't align with what subscribers initially subscribed for, they may feel alienated. This can result in decreased engagement, lower view counts, and potentially losing subscribers.

Q: Can inconsistency in uploading content cause a drop in subscribers?

Yes, if you change your upload schedule, go through periods without uploading, or reduce the frequency of your content, subscribers may unsubscribe. They may prefer creators who have more regular content uploads.

Q: How do changes to format or presentation affect subscriber retention?

Making significant changes to your video format, style, or the way you communicate with your audience can lead to a decline in subscribers. Viewers may no longer connect with the new format or prefer your previous content style.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • YouTube purges can cause a significant drop in subscriber count, as dormant accounts, spam accounts, and subscriber service accounts are deleted.

  • Not creating content that aligns with subscriber expectations can lead to alienating viewers and a negative impact on channel growth.

  • Inconsistency in uploading, such as changing upload schedules or going through periods of no content, can result in subscribers unsubscribing.

  • Making changes to your format, style, or presentation in videos can also lead to a decline in subscribers.

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