3 Financial Literacy Tips for Retirement Planning | Summary and Q&A

May 27, 2019
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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3 Financial Literacy Tips for Retirement Planning


Many people, including millennials and baby boomers, struggle to save enough for retirement due to various reasons. It is important to set realistic goals, consider personal circumstances, and start investing early.

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Key Insights

  • 👶 Many millennials and baby boomers are not adequately saving for retirement.
  • 😫 Setting realistic goals and starting to invest early are crucial for building a sufficient retirement fund.
  • 💾 Personal circumstances, such as location and desired retirement lifestyle, should be considered when determining how much to save.
  • 💦 Adjusting goals, working longer, or pursuing alternative careers can help those falling behind on retirement savings.
  • 🫰 Investing in index funds and adopting a long-term, hands-off approach can reduce stress and improve chances of success.
  • 🥺 Regularly reviewing and rebalancing investments is important, but constant monitoring can lead to unnecessary stress.
  • ❓ Seeking expert advice and utilizing resources like retirement calculators can provide guidance in retirement planning.


Joseph Hogg here with another video on the let's talk money YouTube channel I want to welcome all our subscribers and thank you for taking a part of your day to be here if you're not a subscriber yet just click that little red button it's free and you'll never miss a video we've got a great video planned today one in our interview series with some ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some of the biggest reasons why people fall behind on retirement savings?

People often struggle to stay on track with long-term goals, and many underestimate the power of compound investing. Additionally, people may believe they can catch up later, but this becomes increasingly difficult as time goes on.

Q: How much should someone have saved by the time they retire?

The goal of having $1,000,000 saved for retirement may not be applicable to everyone. Fidelity suggests saving 10 times one's final salary, which should provide about 80% of pre-retirement income when combined with Social Security.

Q: What can someone do if they haven't saved enough for retirement or if they're falling behind?

If someone is unable to contribute more to their retirement savings, they can consider adjusting their goals, such as working longer or switching to a higher income job. Some people also choose to take on a different career or pursue their passion in retirement.

Q: How can someone get started investing without spending too much time and effort on it?

Instead of trying to beat the market or pick individual stocks, it is recommended to opt for a stress-free strategy like investing in mutual funds, particularly index funds. These provide diversification and reduce the need for constant monitoring.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Only one in three millennials are saving for retirement, while many baby boomers have very little saved.

  • Long-term goals, such as retirement, can be difficult to stick to, and the longer one waits to start investing, the harder it becomes to catch up.

  • Fidelity suggests saving 10 times one's final salary for retirement, with 80% of income coming from retirement savings and the rest from Social Security.

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