2024 READING BRAINSTORM | Summary and Q&A

December 18, 2023
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In this video, Jesse shares brainstormed ideas and goals for the 2024 reading year, including ways to plan, reflection, reading challenges, and creative bookish projects.

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Key Insights

  • 🌱 Reflection on past reading and book buying habits can help in planning for the 2024 reading year.
  • 🎟️ Putting anticipated book releases in a calendar can ensure they are not missed.
  • 🫠 Reading challenges can add motivation and inspiration to achieve reading goals.


hey hi hello welcome back to my channel I'm Jesse and in today's video I'm going to be brainstorming ideas for the 2024 reading year ways to prepare for a new year filled with reading and creative things that you can take on in the New Year surrounding books I've been jotting down ideas and potential goals for 2024 and one of my journals one Journa... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some ways to plan for the 2024 reading year?

Reflect on the past year's reading, book buying habits, and the types of books enjoyed. Consider if book goals were met or if more of a challenge is needed for the new year.

Q: How can I stay motivated to read throughout the year?

Consider joining a reading challenge such as "beat the backlist" or doing author deep dives. These challenges can add inspiration and motivation to reach reading goals.

Q: What are some creative bookish projects to try in 2024?

Start a reading journal, either using a pre-made one or making your own. Create miniature versions of the books you've read and display them, or make TBR jars or cards for a fun and random reading selection.

Q: Should I start documenting my reading life online?

Consider starting a book channel, book talk account, or bookstagram. This can help connect with other readers worldwide and create a community around your reading experiences.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jesse discusses ways to plan for the 2024 reading year, including reflecting on the past year's reading, book buying habits, and types of books enjoyed.

  • She suggests putting anticipated book releases in a calendar and looking into reading challenges for the new year.

  • Jesse also shares creative bookish projects such as starting a reading journal, creating miniature versions of read books, and making TBR jars or cards.

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