20 HUGE Mistakes NEW YouTubers Make | Summary and Q&A

May 29, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
20 HUGE Mistakes NEW YouTubers Make


Learn the common mistakes YouTubers make, such as lack of planning, impatience, and obsession with gear, to avoid hindering your channel's growth.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Planning content and creating playlists can significantly benefit a YouTube channel.
  • 💯 Starting your channel without delay is crucial, even if early videos are less than perfect.
  • 🥡 Patience is necessary as building a channel and gaining momentum takes time.
  • ⚙️ Obsessing over gear instead of content quality is a common mistake.
  • ❓ Comparing yourself to other channels can be discouraging and counterproductive.
  • 🎮 Consistency across videos helps develop a brand and attract subscribers.
  • 🥡 Taking action and implementing knowledge is crucial for growth.
  • 💦 Experimentation is important to discover what works best for your audience.
  • 🏛️ Engaging with your audience builds a community and fosters growth.
  • 🍉 Being authentic and not trying to be someone else is essential for long-term success.
  • 🫵 Considering the viewer's experience and avoiding distractions is important for content creators.
  • 🫵 Focusing on viewers and delivering value should be a priority.
  • ❓ Length should not be forced; focus on quality and stay true to the content's purpose.
  • 📅 Committing to a schedule and working content creation into your lifestyle is essential for consistent growth.
  • 🫷 Pushing products without genuine belief can harm your channel's credibility.


  • We're gonna tell you the 20 biggest mistakes that YouTubers make so that you don't make these mistakes and end up costing yourself growth here on YouTube, and we're starting right now. ♪ That's just how it is ♪ ♪ Ain't waitin' on me ♪ - What is goin' on, my name is Nick. Welcome to another video, if this is your first time here and you wanna lear... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is lack of planning a mistake for content creators?

Lack of planning leads to disorganized videos and stress. Planning helps create a schedule, build strategic playlists, and have a clear idea of upcoming videos.

Q: How can impatience hinder a content creator's growth?

Many creators expect immediate success and get discouraged when it doesn't happen. It takes time to build a channel and gain momentum, so patience is essential to avoid giving up prematurely.

Q: What is Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS), and why is it a mistake?

GAS refers to obsessing over expensive gear instead of focusing on content. Content quality matters more than equipment, so creators should prioritize improving their skills and one element at a time.

Q: Why is it important not to compare yourself to other channels?

Comparing yourself to other channels can be discouraging as they may have different audience dynamics, more content, or a different personality. Focus on improving yourself and competing with your last video.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many content creators fail to plan their content and instead "wing it," leading to disorganized videos. Planning helps with stress relief and strategic playlist creation.

  • Starting your channel without delay is essential as waiting for perfection or extensive knowledge will hinder growth. It's okay for your early videos to be less polished.

  • Content creators often become impatient and expect immediate success. Building a channel and gaining momentum takes time, so patience is crucial for long-term growth.

  • Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) is a mistake where creators focus too much on fancy equipment instead of prioritizing content quality. Content is king, not gear.

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