Vinay Nair


"What is “Moat” in a Startup?"
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"Simply put, it is one extra layer of protection that serves as a barrier for rivals or competitors trying to displace the fortress from a position of power."
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"without the adoption of suitable measures to protect this competitive edge, startups can soon be inundated with a plethora of competing firms that offer similar utility and take up a huge chunk of the market share."
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"A moat is essentially a way to restrict that to an extent. This is what can help a startup flourish and thrive without being caught up in an endless race of customer acquisition and outdoing competition, without first building a sustainable foundation."
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"How Can Startups Build Robust Moats?"
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"Protection of Intellectual Property Rights"
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"It is important to note that these patents are usually granted on a specific combination or idea involving certain stipulated elements."
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"Setting up Network Moats"
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"the line of defense is often seen to emerge from developing strong networks across the supply and value chains."
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"Branding Moat"
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?
"Establishing an easily recognizable, reputed brand is one of the sure-shot ways to protect one’s business."
Vinay Nair
Can Startups Build Robust Moats?

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