Tal Shachar


"But the frenzy around NFTs right now is instructive. Because much of the hype is pure status-seeking."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"And that’s a healthy reminder that people will always find value in being early to the next thing, part of the innermost ingroup of something cool."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"NFTs are evidence of your cultural bona fides. They are proof of passion (PoP)."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Social networks made social capital -- that is, popularity and influence -- scalable and quantifiable."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"NFTs take this to the next level."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"They provide the infrastructure, tools and economic incentives to turn every art form, media consumption and cultural behavior into a more transparent and verifiable status game."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"The social returns to prescient taste and committed fandom just went up dramatically."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"But these techniques had two issues."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"First, they required a certain degree of obnoxious spamminess. For someone to notice your coolness, you had to broadcast it to everybody, and, well, that’s not that cool."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Second, for the most part, they don’t represent much investment on the part of the poster or much assistance to the creator of the experience. It’s fun to become the ‘mayor’ of a hot restaurant."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"But what’s really cool is to have been an early customer or even an investor way before it became popular."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Crowdfunding satisfied a lot of these needs, and it’s not surprising it continues to be popular and powerful. But it does have two weaknesses."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Projects are usually all-or-nothing propositions."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"you’re not an investor, so there’s no financial return on your investment. There’s not even much social return."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"It’s way too early to know exactly how, but all of this will have a weird and pronounced impact on our cultural and economic behavior."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Proof of passion (PoP) will raise the rewards for accurate prediction-making and early adoption."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Cultural fads will trend faster as we all look to jump in early so that we can prove we were there later not to mention profit from it."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"At the same time, some will be rewarded for steadfast support for an early project even after it has blown up."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"More positively, establishing a track record through proof of passion may finally enable a scalable business model for independent cool-hunters and curators."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Those who consistently invest in overlooked and underappreciated items that then wildly succeed will be sought after."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Further upstream, PoP dynamics might even change how projects are conceived and produced in the first place."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"In the simplest version, a creative team could tokenize their project at its earliest stage allowing regular fans the ability to prove their passion as buyers from day one."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"it’s possible for creators to tie directly economic flows to these items, enabling holders of assets to receive revenue from the project as it launches."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"Beyond specific projects, tokens may reshape the nature of patronage and community building."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"But NFTs finally solve some of their main challenges, namely that they are hard to scale and that as they scale, the status associated with being a member diminishes."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion
"All of this erodes the value of ‘traditional’ media companies and cultural institutions since individuals will be more able to provide proof of passion without branded legitimization and artists will be able to fund their creative endeavors by selling proof of passion to their engaged communities."
Tal Shachar
Proof of Passion

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