Sasha Chapin


"Your natural salience filter is a great determinant of what’s most alive to you."
Sasha Chapin
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
"If you begin to rely on any other filter, you will increasingly record what seems like it should be interesting according to some preexisting criteria rather than what organically sticks to your mind."
Sasha Chapin
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
"Most heart-stopping writing comes from synthesizing the previously unarticulated in the moment."
Sasha Chapin
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
"Rather than reaching for your database, try channeling what’s in the air at this very second."
Sasha Chapin
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
"I am waiting for any evidence that our most provocative thinkers and writers are those who rely on elaborate, systematic note-taking systems."
Sasha Chapin
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
"I am seeing evidence that people taught knowledge management for its own sake produce unexciting work."
Sasha Chapin
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
"It’s not that I advocate for no note-taking. I just strongly believe in keeping it as elementary as possible, such that the note-taking itself doesn’t become the thrust of the endeavor."
Sasha Chapin
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems

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