"I learned about Apple’s Shortcuts app. It’s an app on iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS that allows you to automate actions between apps."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"I want to be able to tag notes. I’d like to track things like date, who was there, what the key topics were, and be able to search based on these tags."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"I need the ability to create action items, and be able to ask “what action items have I not yet done?”"
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"It has to be super easy. I want to be able to jump into a meeting and have my meeting notes ready to go."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"Turns out, combining Apple Shortcuts with Bear hits all of these requirements."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"A shortcut that creates a meeting note."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"A shortcut that opens or creates a daily “scratch” note, for note taking outside of meetings."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"Looks in my work calendar for the most recent meeting that started in the last 30 minutes."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"Other than being a beautiful demonstration of not implementing every single feature your user base asks for, the primary thing Bear excels at in my workflow is TODO management."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"At any point in any note, you can create a TODO. This manifests as a list item with a checkbox, much like GitHub’s TODOs."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!
"The key outcome, though, is that I feel more on top of things now. I’m not dropping the ball on things people ask me to do in meetings. People don’t have to chase me for things as much, which makes me feel good and I’m sure it makes them feel good as well."
Sam Rose
I finally figured out how to take notes!

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Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.