Rand Fishkin


"Those that struggle for traction are always under 40%, while most that gain strong traction exceed 40%. Of course progressing beyond ""early traction"" requires that these users represent a large enough target market to build an interesting business."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"In contrast, the measurement that Sean and Rahul popularized is a leading indicator. It predicts retention."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"I think measuring a business's health is an ever-evolving process and journey. Not a destination."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"It's pretty straightforward. To measure product-market fit, I recommend setting up an always-on measurement."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"Remember, don't stop after that point. You need to measure this as you scale up constantly."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"Increase response rates. Early on in your journey, you'll need to be quite aggressive to get a response from your users."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"Rand's alternative to product-market fit is the Customer Adoption Spectrum (CAS)."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"This visualization says that you have strong product-market fit with group B, and you still have more work to do in the other groups."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"Either you give up on those other groups because group B is big enough for now, or you need to evolve your product positioning/messaging to better attract and convert those other groups."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"While I love this view, there is one specific reason I believe this framework is less potent than the product-market fit methodology. Conversion metrics aren't the end all be all."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"Rand's right that if interpreted as a destination, product-market fit is not well suited to capturing the evolution of businesses. Having said that, I can't entirely agree with Rand's assertion that product-market fit is designed/meant to be interpreted as a destination."
Rand Fishkin
Product market fit isn't a destination
"Our data covers social networks like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, and more, illuminating what an audience talks about."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"By following and engaging with the sources of influence that reach your target audience, you can find the content pieces from those publishers that are earning engagement, and pick up the language, styles, authors, subjects, positioning, foci, and more."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Step 3: Find the Unexecuted-Upon Gaps Where Interest is High, But Competition is Low"
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Topics that earn discussion often earn engagement, and those that earn engagement often earn traffic, subscribers, and search rankings. And that, my friends, is the formula for content marketing success."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Problems included a lack of buy-in, of use, and in application."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"But perhaps more severe was the disconnect between the goal of a persona (i.e. to take action based on the data in them) vs. the lack of actionable data."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Everyone is bidding for the same traffic, so breaking through the noise and generating high ROI means you need every advantage you can get."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Over the last few years, Facebook and Google have both taken away a lot of the data and targeting options, leaving advertisers at the mercy of their infuriatingly-difficult-to-use, in-house ad targeting tools."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"What advertisers need is data about what their target audiences do in online platforms, and SparkToro, thankfully, fits like a glove."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"I’ve received emails and notes from early customers telling us they’ve seen their Facebook and Google (and Twitter) ad accounts earn 2-5X the ROI just from selecting better audiences in the ad builders."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"But all of these existing platforms had a huge missing piece: audience-specific reach."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"But what I always wanted to know was who reached a greater percent of a specific, targeted audience."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"But do they have greater traffic or more reach with the audiences you’re trying to reach?"
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"One of the best ways to start is by analyzing your own social account and website against key competitors:"
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Quite possibly the most unexpected of applications for SparkToro’s data has been in the keyword research world, where several clever marketing professionals have started using the tool’s results to outsmart their competition with topics and keyword targets that would otherwise remain invisible."
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Run both the websites and the topics list through an SEO keyword research tool like Moz’s Keyword Explorer or Ahrefs"
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"Uncover searched-for words and phrases that wouldn’t otherwise be on your radar (and that your competition is unlikely to ever find if they don’t employ this methodology)"
Rand Fishkin
How to Apply SparkToro's Data and Get Better Marketing Results - SparkToro
"A) Keep improving the product for our long-term customers, delivering features and upgrades that make their marketing lives easier"
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"B) Attract, mostly through our industry’s sources of influence, both long-term and one-time customers."
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"Many will use and get value from the product, then quit after a month or two… but… come back again when they need an audience research problem solved (even if that’s 2, 3, or 5 years away)"
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"Most surprising to long-time followers of my work (i.e. my previous startup, Moz) is the complete lack of SEO."
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"As you can see, we get a whole lot of folks coming “direct” to SparkToro. Most of that (we think) is a combination of dark social and dark email (i.e. folks who click links in social & email apps)."
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"Our very popular, monthly Office Hours, a live webinar series. Each event has between 500 and 1,400 attendees, and garners rave reviews"
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"Our bi-monthly Audience Research Newsletter run by Amanda that has more than 50,000 subscribers"
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"Product-focused blog posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts, presentations, and more"
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"For now, the biggest lesson is that ~2/3rds of marketers who try an online tool will rely on their prior experiences and pre-conceived notions vs. reading copy."
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"Second: Coverage of German and Spanish Language Profiles"
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"One of my biggest missions in life these days is to prove to other investors and other entrepreneurs that our structure is worthy of consideration by many of those who currently pursue VC or decide to entirely bootstrap."
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"Keep costs very low, potentially hurting our possibly growth rate, to maximize profit"
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro
"With the exception of three salaries, healthcare, and AWS cloud charges, SparkToro costs almost nothing to run. Gross margins exceed 85%, and we think may get as high as 95%+ over time."
Rand Fishkin
SparkToro's Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? - SparkToro

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