Pedro Franceschi


"Failing to scale is not about lack of will. I haven’t heard of someone who got layered at a startup and wasn’t trying as hard as they could to keep up with the job."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Experience definitely helps, but even experienced leaders have to accept that their past experiences are not perfectly translatable to a new startup."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Perhaps a better way to think about experience is not as how many times you’ve done a job before, but instead how many times you had to change yourself in order to be successful."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"hiring an exec who spent twelve years at Google will almost certainly be a disaster for an early stage company."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"If ability to change is what it takes to scale, a more interesting question, then, is why changing is hard."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"The moment you stop paying close attention to each individual action, you come back to auto-pilot mode."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"There’s a better way to change your actions: change the belief system that generates them instead."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Reinventing your core beliefs is the silver bullet of scaling."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"There’s a certain grief involved in reinventing your core beliefs: a part of you has to cease existing for the new to come in."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"once the death is accepted and the grief period is over, there’s now fertile ground to nurture new core beliefs. A new version of you. Ready to scale."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"if you ask someone how to become a better leader, they will tell you to surround yourself with good leaders and learn from them."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"It is frustrating, but learning from good leaders is the safest path we know to become a better one. A big part of the reason is because the hardest parts of a leader’s job can’t be learned by reading a book. You have to feel it in order to develop a sense of what great looks like."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"While heroes are absolutes, role models are domain-specific. It’s important to learn what to learn from whom."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"it’s important to be authentic too, and lead in a way that is compatible with who you are."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"people want to know who you really are. What are your quirks, your passions, your style, and what makes you different? Don’t hide these away; put them at the forefront."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"I figured out that writing is a more authentic communication method for who I am. This led me to start writing weekly emails and essays, which became an important part of how I lead."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"the easiest, and best way to be authentic is to be vulnerable. Since every person is going through a unique challenge in life, when you share any details about what you’re struggling with, it is remarkably authentic."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"People can read through the lines much faster than you think. Sharing where you are on your journey is just stating the obvious, but with bonus points for authenticity and trust. Do it."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Dismissing your intuition is ignoring valuable data."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"when you’re making a hard decision with no clear answer, but it still feels right, don’t dismiss it just because you can’t explain it."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Reinventing your core beliefs, picking the right role models, being authentic, and listening to your feelings."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"the biggest leap of faith of all is having faith in yourself. Things will go wrong, and you’ll feel like a failure many times. But don’t assume that you can’t scale just because you haven’t done the job before. The truth about successful startups is that no one really has."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"The struggles are what shape us. So regardless of how hard it is, embrace the journey of scaling. Cherish every moment of accomplishing things you didn’t think you would. Remember what it feels like. These are the moments you will never forget."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"There’s a better way to change your actions: change the belief system that generates them instead. My job is not to get a task done, but to help my team win."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Reinventing your core beliefs is the silver bullet of scaling. But it is hard, because the same core beliefs you’re trying to replace were also responsible for your success."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"It is frustrating, but learning from good leaders is the safest path we know to become a better one."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"You have to feel it in order to develop a sense of what great looks like."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"The hard part about role modeling, though, is that what we perceive as “good leadership” is often too intertwined with personality traits, and those you can’t easily copy."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"A good place to start is ignoring the preconceived notions of what a leader should look and feel like."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Instead, people want to know who you really are. What are your quirks, your passions, your style, and what makes you different?"
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Don’t hide these away; put them at the forefront."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"But the easiest, and best way to be authentic is to be vulnerable. Since every person is going through a unique challenge in life, when you share any details about what you’re struggling with, it is remarkably authentic."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"What are you struggling with right now? Tell your team. Not only is it authentic, but it also builds an immense amount of trust."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"But the best leaders I know are constantly listening to their feelings, because feelings are backdoors to their intuition."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Logic can help you understand if you’re dealing with a new manifestation of the same underlying thing, or something new entirely."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"And this is the essence of good leadership: using all your senses to make the right decisions when there are no easy answers."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"In a world where people demand an explanation for everything, this is, perhaps, the hardest part about scaling: taking leaps of faith."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"But the biggest leap of faith of all is having faith in yourself. Things will go wrong, and you’ll feel like a failure many times."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"They will tell you about the craziest times, solving the craziest challenges, working the craziest hours, surrounded by the craziest people, but having the time of their lives."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"The struggles are what shape us. So regardless of how hard it is, embrace the journey of scaling. Cherish every moment of accomplishing things you didn’t think you would."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale
"Remember what it feels like. These are the moments you will never forget."
Pedro Franceschi
What I Learned About People that Scale

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