Patty McCord


"Finding the right people is also not a matter of “culture fit.”"
Patty McCord
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit
"This misguided hiring strategy can also contribute to a company’s lack of diversity, since very often the people we enjoy hanging out with have backgrounds much like our own"
Patty McCord
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit
"engaging managers in every aspect of hiring; treating your in-house recruiters as true business partners; adopting a mindset in which you’re always recruiting; and coming up with compensation that suits the performance you need and the future you aspire to."
Patty McCord
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit
"Making great hires is about recognizing great matches"
Patty McCord
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit
"The sad truth is that most companies treat recruitment as a separate, nonbusiness, even non-HR function, and many young companies outsource it."
Patty McCord
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit
"Your HR chief should understand the details of your business."
Patty McCord
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit
"A candidate may have skills that can’t be measured by salary surveys"
Patty McCord
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit

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