Nick Babich


"Step 2: Prepare a discussion guide"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"Interviewees can’t retain a lot of information in their short-term memory. Thus, it’s recommended to keep questions under 20 words"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"Step 3: 15 thing you SHOULD do when interviewing people"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"1. Put yourself in the mood"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"2. Provide a warm welcome"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"3. Build an arc"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"4. Explain that there are no right or wrong answers"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"5. Start off with the easy questions"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"6. Ask interviewees about specific moments in the past (references to real-life examples)"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"8. Ask follow-up questions"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"7. Prioritize open-ended questions"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"9. Ask for extremes"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"Tip: You can go further by asking people to recall where exactly they were when they had that experience — little things like that are actually powerful supplement that brings memories flooding back."
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"10. Ask to observe behavior"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"11. When in doubt, clarify"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"12. Keep an eye on the time"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"13. Minimize note-taking"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"14. Watch out for non-verbal clues"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"15. Finish with a wrap-up summary"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"Step 5: 7 thing to AVOID when interviewing people"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"1. Don’t ask leading questions"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"2. Don’t fill the silence"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"3. Don’t draw attention to specific issues"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"4. Don’t ask if they’d buy your product"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"5. Don’t answer a user’s questions"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"6. Resist the urge to judge or educate your interviewees"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview
"7. Don’t express your own opinion"
Nick Babich
The Art of the User Interview

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