Michael Ashcroft


"Epistemic humility is an idea in the philosophy of science that recognizes that our understanding of the world is an incomplete and distorted picture of how things actually are, and encourages us to act and think accordingly."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"Experiencing the unfamiliar as uncomfortable is a reasonable habitual mechanism because it drives you to make the thing you’re experiencing familiar—to map whether it is safe or not, and make it part of your known inner landscape of how the world works."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"I’ve written previously that you can only respond to what you notice. One effect of experiencing something as familiar is that it engenders a tunnel vision that closes off other possibilities."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"The trick to being able to notice the treasure in the unfamiliar lies in noticing that it is unfamiliar in the first place, becoming comfortable in that experience, and interrupting the tendency to make it familiar by asserting that things are a certain way."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"Dewey recognized the importance of the ability to avoid getting caught up in a position and change it easily if needed."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"“Withhold definition” when faced with this kind of unfamiliarity. Learn to notice that internal pressure to adopt a familiar, certain position and gently step back from it."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"Stay in the experience of unfamiliarity and, with time, learn to find a sense of ease and safety within it. This opens up the possibility of holding multiple, possibly conflicting perspectives at once and being comfortable doing so."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"Pay attention to your awareness, or your capacity to notice the world around you."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"The answer is to proceed in such a way that you could change your mind at any time."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"The way to practice epistemic humility is to avoid forgetting that you might be wrong."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty
"More than that, though, it’s to know it in such a deep and embodied sense that it influences your thoughts and actions at all levels."
Michael Ashcroft
How to Become Comfortable With Uncertainty

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