Kinjal Shah


"what will define the next consumer transformation? Crypto."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"There are 3 major reasons why crypto is poised to do this:"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"For the first time, users can partake in the growth and success of the products and communities they are a part of, from the beginning."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"The main mechanism for ownership has been via tokens - whether they are fungible or non-fungible."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Each additional user in a given network benefits alongside the entire network."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Rather than providing content, time, attention for free, they are rewarded for making products and services successful."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"24/7 Markets"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Open Access"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"The focus is now on the long tail of creators and communities."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"1 | Curation-as-a-Service"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"he internet made it so we are all consumers, creators and curators"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"While the internet has created a business model around affiliate programs and links, ultimately, the curation space remains relatively untapped."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Web3 offers an opportunity to curate with clear financial incentives and social status."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"For example, Yup, is a curation protocol that provides an opportunity for users to curate and build their influence accordingly."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"2 | Social DAOs"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Social DAOs are tokens backed by the reputation of an individual, brand, or community."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"FWB, Friends with Benefits, provides a window into some of the coolest creators and thinkers in Web3."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Infrastructure providers like Rally and Coinvise are providing the tools to allow these social token communities to thrive, with token infrastructure as well as creator support. It’s still early days for social token DAOs"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Axie Infinity is the most popular play-to-earn game in the blockchain world, with nearly $500M in protocol revenue generated to date."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"4 | Digital Spaces & Showcases"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"5 | Bottoms Up Brands"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"I define bottoms up brands as community driven, mission-oriented brands with distributed IP."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"Loot project, is another great example, of IP that starts in the hands of the community who then build games, avatars, media around the original IP that was distributed."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"The success of a bottoms-up brand starts and ends with the community that supports it. Communities come together to make a particular product recognizable and known for something."
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror
"3 | Play-to-Earn Games"
Kinjal Shah
Crypto's Consumer Era — Mirror

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