"The US playwright Sarah Ruhl explains that ‘social ties’ are the reason we go to see community theatre, not good reviews."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"On stage and on the internet, neighbours and friends are transformed into heroes and villains. It’s not always pitch-perfect, but here we can try on new ways of being – and being with each other."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"In the 1840s, a similar interest in amateur play took hold in the United States. ‘Home amusements’, as one guidebook dubbed them, ranged from elaborately scripted and staged theatrical entertainments and living pictures (tableaux vivants) to simple charades, pantomimes and optical illusions."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"The Dutch historian Johan Huizinga argued in the late 1930s that we transmit culture through play."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"For Huizinga, play ‘promotes the formation of social groupings’ that last long after the end of the game, whether it’s a card game, amateur sports or children’s make-believe."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"Authors in the 19th century praised amateur theatricals for their ability to teach ‘a certain knowledge of the emotions and passions of humanity, which can rarely be acquired elsewhere.’"
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"Even for an audience accustomed to digital filters, the transformations shown on video are hard to believe – and harder still to confirm without repeated viewings."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"Bodily transformation, especially grotesques, take on new meaning in times of social uncertainty. In medieval folklore, vampires expressed a fear of contagion that breached the limits of the body."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"Part of the appeal of watching young people at play may lie in their blissful disregard for the consequences, especially when dangerous or socially threatening play escapes the boundaries of make-believe and crosses into the real world."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"What benefits might young TikTokers get from play that potentially disfigures the body permanently?"
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"The contemporary grotesque is not just form but also feeling."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"Adolescents are hardly alone in their resistance to returning to in-person activities."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"From university campuses to corporate offices, many working adults quit their jobs, filmed their exits, and posted them to TikTok under quitmyjob."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"With a little choreography and playful post-production, TikTokers collectively staged what some management researchers have described as ‘The Great Resignation’ – final acts fuelled by long-withheld dreams."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"Play is liberating because it can transform the most familiar circumstances into fantasies."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"It is challenging for the same reason."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas
"We’ve all been reduced to amateur players during the COVID-19 pandemic, struggling to learn our roles. Our challenge is in learning where to draw the magic circle."
Kim Beil
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas

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