Ken Yeung


"It’s more than having one job"
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?
"that heavy responsibility rests on the shoulders of product managers (PM)"
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?
"The ones that tell you what should be built"
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?
"knowing who the competitors are, what consumers want, and being able to help the marketing and sales teams better target them."
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?
"PMs need to have an appreciation for leading while also understanding that it’s about solving the holistic problem"
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?
"it’s not about using your power to accomplish something"
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?
"It’s all about inspiration, vision, and analysis while keeping in mind that it’s a team sport so you’re not going at things alone."
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?
"Advancement of the product managers"
Ken Yeung
Product Managers: Who are these ‘mini-CEOs’ and what do they do?

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