Jia Wertz


"Lean Into Your Differentiators"
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"When you’re in a popular space, it’s important to focus on your differentiators."
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"“Be in relentless pursuit of what makes your products unique,”"
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"By focusing on their differentiators on social media and Amazon, they were able to increase product subscriptions to fortify recurring revenue and decrease cost of customer acquisition."
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"A common mistake of product marketers, regardless of their industry, is not to think through their sales funnel holistically."
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"Finally, don’t forget to keep your consumer’s actual product experience in mind, and engage them post-purchase to keep them coming back for more."
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"The most effective influencer marketing campaigns ring authentic to the creators’ audiences."
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"Allowing content creators to control messaging so that it’s in their voice is also important."
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd
"Audiences are highly attuned to inauthentic material, and it can be detrimental to both the content creator and the brand if messaging seems inconsistent or overly corporate."
Jia Wertz
How Brands In Competitive Categories Can Stand Out From The Crowd

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