James Malle


"“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.”"
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"“ The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” — Edward Teller"
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"By some definitions, Learning Science is an interdisciplinary field of science that is focused on developing and improving our understanding of the methodologies and solutions that help people learn things effectively."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"Fundamentally, learning occurs in 3 steps. Namely: encoding, consolidation and retrieval."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"So, although during the first stage, encoding, where we come across new and novel information, it’s important that the information is presented in a way we can understand, the consolidation and retrieval steps of learning are where the magic happens for knowledge retention."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” — B.B. King"
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"Assuming we understand the concepts we’re learning (big assumption, and not for this discussion), these consolidation and retrieval steps are where we want to make sure we double down of efforts to make sure things make it out of the sieve that is our short term memory."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"One of the key things that stood out to me while doing my research, and reading ‘Make it Stick’, was that the most impactful learning happens when you test the edges of your abilities and knowledge."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"There is a desirable amount of difficulty required, and experiencing this challenge is a sign you’re on the right path."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"Don’t: Mindlessly read, summarise, highlight, reread, etc."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"Don’t: Focus on learning only one thing at a time."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science
"Rather than practicing or studying one thing over and over, in one way, until you think you’ve got it, it’s better to vary how and what you’re practicing or learning."
James Malle
Stop Forgetting What You Learn Using Learning Science

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