Jackie Bavaro


"I was missing all of the other work those senior PMs and VPs did. Most of their work happened outside of the meetings I was invited too."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career
"As I looked into it, I realized that the differentiator wasn’t exactly the scope of the product you owned, but rather the brand new responsibilities (and accompanying expectations) that you pick up as you advance. In fact, the entire definition of being “great” changes at each stage."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career
"The first stage is shipping products. This is where the day-to-day product lifecycle work happens: Discover, Define, Design, Develop, Deliver, Debrief."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career
"But, at some point you’ll start to plateau. Just getting better at product sense, analytical skills, and execution won’t get you to Senior PM. And that’s because at Senior PM, the job changes."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career
"Now it’s your responsibility to identify new opportunities and put together a plan for how to win them."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career
"In the third stage, your job is to build a great team. It’s your responsibility to hire people, coach them, and set up processes so that your organization can create winning strategies and ship winning products at a scale beyond what you could do as a single PM."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career
"The other half is being a strategic advisor to the rest of the company."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career
"If you’re looking to be promoted to the next stage, you need to be much more intentional."
Jackie Bavaro
The 3 Stages of a Product Manager's Career

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