Jack Close


"Books are the polar opposite of this. The format forces you to dive beneath the surface, understanding the body of water that makes up the shimmering surface."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.
"One of my worst nightmares is losing my ability to think as I age."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.
"Reading fiction allows us to delve into the emotional journey of a character. Those who read have an increased ability to empathise with the feelings and beliefs of others, according to this study."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.
"Reading Well is a scheme by the National Health Service allowing doctors to prescribe self-help books to help manage depression."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.
"Through imaging the brain, this study showed that reading improves our ability to process visual and verbal information."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.
"Enhancing visual processing can enhance our creativity and imagination. Improving verbal processing allows us to think and, subsequently, speak with more clarity."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.
"Currently, I enjoy the process of browsing and buying books more than reading them. That's a problem."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.
"However, I've found that setting aside 30 minutes before bed to get through my 10 pages (more likely more), has been a useful way to wind down."
Jack Close
Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.

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