Itamar Gilad


"The leadership team falls in love with a big idea and turns it into a big project. This project becomes the top priority—apparently the future of the company depends on it."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"But when the product finally launches (much later than anyone expected) the results are underwhelming, to say the least. Customers are generally uninterested, key metrics are unaffected."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"But this project is too important to fail, so the leaders now rally the troops for a massive rescue operation."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"It feels like we’re just one feature, one campaign, away from breaking through. But we’re not. The vast majority of these projects end up as a colossal waste of time."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Output-focus is a key contributing factor here. In a company where goals and incentives are centered on execution and production, doing becomes more important than achieving."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"In this sense the big project serves an important purpose: it gives everyone something big and important to work on (and later to boast about in perf reviews.) Left unattended this culture can breed a particular type of manager that uses big projects as springboards for promotion."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"“If you’re charismatic, you can get resources for anything … then you can engage in a ton of what I call “Success Theater”, to try to make it seem like you’re a big success. And so, those people tend to get the celebrations, whether they actually add any value or not. They’re like a cancer in most organizations”"
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"There can be many ideas, and most will create little value, if at all. So setting goals for launching one big, unproven, idea is a recipe for tremendous waste."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"The alternative is to set goals for outcomes—the benefits we wish deliver to the customers and to the business."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Hierarchical, top-down companies assume that the leaders are able to forecast the future and pick the right ideas. The people in the middle and the bottom are there to figure out the details. This model doesn’t work anymore (and I doubt it ever did)."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"In modern organizations a lot of the knowledge and expertise live at the edges."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Smart and creative people tire of constantly chasing someone else’s big ideas."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"There are only so many “must-have” projects one can get excited about (especially as eventually they turn out not to be a must-have at all). People become distrustful of the leadership and lose passion or leave"
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"The key role of the leader is to define the goals (intent, success), and to provide as much context as possible—what people need to know to succeed."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Then he/she helps the reports discover the right solutions. It’s a different form of collaboration."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Top-down, big-bet projects happen partly because we think that’s how strategy works."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"I’m sorry to say, that’s not strategy, that’s just a roadmap on steroids (or more accurately a crapshoot.)"
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Detecting opportunities and threats and setting goals to validate and address them, is really where leadership plays a critical role. Sadly in most organizations that’s also where it comes short, moving people to feel there’s no vision or real strategy."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Amazon pursued this opportunity with a series of ideas, which all failed, until eventually in the year 2000 it launched Amazon Marketplace."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"The lesson here is that a strategy is never about chasing particular big ideas, but about the opportunities and threats the company chooses to address."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"The problem is with starting big."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"Given new information, the sunk cost fallacy makes it very hard to improve on the idea or to let go of it altogether."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"The iPhone was seeded by at least five smaller projects that eventually merged."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"For bigger opportunities you can divide the work among multiple teams, as Netflix has done with its swimlane model."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad
"As the project grows larger and more teams join, we strive to break the work in such a way that teams are “highly aligned, loosely coupled”, to use a Netflix principle."
Itamar Gilad
The Big Project Syndrome - Itamar Gilad

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