Frederik Gieschen


"“I just sit in my office and read all day.” - Warren Buffett"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"An introvert investor’s dream? Sit quietly by yourself and read all day."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"The pinnacle of this obsession may have been Todd Combs’s recommendation to “read 500 pages every day.”"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"“That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Did a young Buffett read a lot? Yes, he certainly did."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Did he spend all his time churning through annual reports, newspapers, books, and trade journals enough? No. Buffett understood how to balance his stack of reading materials with a solid travel schedule."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"He did not expect to solve the world’s investment puzzles solely from the comfort of his desk."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"He built and maintained relationships that allowed him to source and discard ideas and evolve as an investor (not to mention enrich his life)."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"But allow me to pull out a few examples and demonstrate that Buffett the voracious reader also had an appetite for connecting with people and venture into the real world."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Since childhood, he had read every biography he could find of people he admired, looking for the lessons he could learn from their lives. He attached himself to everyone who could help him and coattailed anyone he could find who was smart."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"He never stopped thinking about business: what made a good business, what made a bad business, how they competed, what made customers loyal to one versus another."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"He had an unusual way of turning problems around in his head, which gave him insights nobody else had."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"He developed a network of people who—for the sake of his friendship as well as his sagacity—not only helped him but also stayed out of his way when he wanted them to."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Buffett was incredibly proactive and understood that solving the puzzle required, or could be vastly accelerated, by having an experienced teacher. Going out into the world to find one turned out to be an incredible shortcut."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"I don’t know anything about it, but I wanted to come here and learn.’” The Snowball"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Even though Buffett returned to Omaha, he kept in touch with his network in New York."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"“His most important seminar, the Buffett Group meetings, took place only in odd-numbered years. Buffett enjoyed teaching so much that he actually went looking for an audience.”"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Buffett found a way to socialize that worked for his personality. He avoid formal dinners when he could and instead met for with small groups to talk or play bridge or golf."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"In 1991, the Buffett Group met to discuss how the list of the ten most valuable companies had changed through the decades."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Why didn’t the successful companies keep winning? What was a truly durable competitive advantage?"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"“Kodak is toast,” said Gates."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"Nobody else in the Buffett Group knew that the Internet and digital technology would make film cameras toast."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"“The way networks create and expose shows is different than camera film, and nothing is going to come in and fundamentally change that. You’ll see some falloff as people move toward variety, but the networks own the content and they can repurpose it. The networks face an interesting challenge as we move the transport of TV onto the Internet. But it’s not like photography, where you get rid of film so knowing how to make film becomes absolutely irrelevant.”"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"This was in 1991, two years before the Mosaic browser was created by Marc Andreessen."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"“Buffett’s friend Tom Murphy referred to this kind of event as “elephant-bumping.” “Anytime a bunch of big shots get together,”"
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession
"I’m sure he spends a lot of time reading. But always remember that his wealth was built on the balance of compounding wisdom and relationships. In fact, the two reinforced each other. Go and do likewise."
Frederik Gieschen
The Reading Obsession

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