Ed Zitron


"Instead of a technology achieving mass adoption and creating a culture in its wake, much of the crypto movement is a durable culture that is waiting for its mass-adoption product and trying to spin up technologies that augment the culture."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"Here’s where I see Web3 as a culture in search of its killer technological application."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"Now, I realize that one can make a compelling and true argument that the wealth generated by and the popularity of bitcoin and Ethereum can be classified as mass adoption** of a technology (blockchains) and that the culture surrounding crypto is proof of the cycle behaving normally."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"It’s an extremely confusingly-worded paragraph that eventually concludes that culture moves too fast to be captured by the media, and thus we may not realize the future is here until it arrives."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"The existence of a culture does not prove that the culture is durable or important."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"Cryptocurrency has rapidly accelerated to absorb venture capital and talent in the same way that buzzy industries tend to, as tech talent tries to search for the next big thing that can give them a giant equity payout (as they should!)."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"What have NFTs, cryptocurrencies and Web3 done better than anything else out there? What new discoveries have they made that have improved their lives?"
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"People want the shortcut to wealth that crypto vaguely promises and are prepared to lie to protect that dream."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"he promise of a decentralized, autonomous organization sounds lovely until you see it in practice - because any system in which votes are transactable is not democratic and also suffers the same problems as actual democracy (the ability to manipulate people into doing things against their interests based on half-truths or outright lies)."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"Whenever news breaks there is a critical time frame where terms are established to describe what is happening."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"When I started covering companies like Uber, I found myself increasingly encountering these problematic terms. These included Silicon Valley-speak like “pivot,” 4 “friction,” “innovate,” “disrupt,” “platform,” and “startup,” but also big, baggy words like “freedom” and “efficiency.”"
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"Being deemed a “tech” company is a massive brand boost. “Tech” corporations have traditionally had high consumer favorability ratings and have not been scrutinized like firms in other industries."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"These are markets that are magnitudes more volatile than the stock market, and even more illogical - a cryptocurrency does not have to be “good” to be worth something, it simply has to have some level of viral appeal mixed with the right market manipulators buying into it."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"this is a carousel of concepts that add little to society other than absorbing resources and potentially harming people."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"I just mean that we are seeing thousands of different fintech products being created out of seemingly nowhere, but they’re being marketed as functional pieces of technology that do something other than the generation and manipulation of speculative assets."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"Please remember the subprime mortgage crisis."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems
"While development may be happening on these platforms and things may be being created, until someone is actually able to show you a functional piece of software that is better than what’s out there there is no reason to act as if it will happen."
Ed Zitron
Solutions That Create Problems

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