Dominik Sobe


"The most successful product that I am spending most of my time on right now is called HelpKit which turns Notion pages into a professional knowledge base."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"HelpKit is also fully customizable, has analytics, and third-party integrations, and is optimized for SEO so that search engines easily find your website."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"Whenever I was building a new product, I found myself in a position where I needed a help desk tool because I knew that for me as a solo founder handling support tickets can become a huge time investment."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"Is it somehow possible for me to just write my help articles in Notion (which I enjoy!) and then expose them externally on a website that looks like a proper professional knowledge base that I can easily customize and share with my customers?"
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"Since I couldn't find the right FAQ software solution – I built HelpKit."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"It’s amazing that by just sharing your process in public you get your first customers for your SaaS. No paid advertisement, no crazy growth hacks, just genuinely sharing your story building a company."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"I didn't act up on the idea right away because I learned from previous failed projects that every idea feels shiny and amazing in the beginning but eventually might not be the best one to pursue."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"How awesome would it be to write all your support articles in Notion where you keep most of your business documentation anyways?"
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"I hopped into Figma, created some mockups of how the product could look like, and then quickly built a landing page with the option to preorder one year of access to HelpKit for a discounted price to test if someone would be interested in building a help center with Notion and buy it."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"I promised myself to build the product if I got 10 pre-orders."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"At the point of officially launching HelpKit, I have already started my build-in public journey and shared dozens of tweets documenting my process of building the MVP and being fully transparent with all the stats around HelpKit."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"The first one is sharing my story of building a fully bootstrapped company as a solo founder on platforms such as Reddit and Indiehackers."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"The second one is what I call “Engineering as marketing”. The idea is simple; creating free useful tools for your target audience."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"I found a hack where you can use the math equation block and LaTeX notation to create beautifully-looking simple tables."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"The problem of not having a simple table is a very well-known problem in the Notion community and there are countless Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook threads demanding it."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"I gave the post the name: ""How to create a simple table in Notion"" and boom… The community loved it!"
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"In addition, another growth factor for HelpKit is that supports two different layouts which cater to two different types of companies."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"His TLDR was that building a successful business does not have to be ultra-hard and that a lot of Indiehackers shoot themselves in the foot by building a product in a category that is naturally really hard to market."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"What he meant is that you should pick a product idea in a niche that is growing and ride that organic growth of that niche to grow your product too."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"I think that for founders starting out building on top of an existing ecosystem can be a great kickstart for a successful business and is well worth the potential platform risk."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"A book I can highly recommend is Start small, Stay Small by Rob Walling."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"Whenever requests like that come in, I try to ask for a short call and talk about their pain points."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"There is no benefit to you to make those first customers hard-to-get customers. You should be looking for customers who intensely have the problem that you're looking to solve."
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story
"Don't target early customers who are too hard, who don't want to pay, who aren't interested in working with early-stage companies, who don't actually have the problem and just kind of think that they might have the problem in the future"
Dominik Sobe
How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising] - Starter Story

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